fredag den 29. november 2013

Fancy Friday #31: Big City/Movember

November is coming to an end and I haven't done a Movember Mani :O - well here is the obvious answer to that problem...

Keeping it short and to the point: In order to raise awareness around testicular cancer men all over the world are sporting moustaches through the entire month of november, hence the nickname. Known as MoBros they share the growth on Movembers web page where you can donate to your friends and their growing 'taches what you feel comfortable with.

Women supporting the cause are known as MoSistas - and there seem to be a hole lotta MoSistas in the nail world considering the enourmous amounts of moustache manis that floods the interwebs come November.

And since my hubby has become a MoBro this year I sure felt the need to join in :) - so here they are:

Wobbly execution of the moustache technique, I've done it all with my non-dominant hand.

So have you sported a moustache on your nails yet? Or is this totally unnecessary?

Remember to stop by the other girls in our Fancy Friday challenge and see what they've conjured up this time.

Fælles Fredag er Storby/Movember. Jeg har slet ikke haft tid til at lave noget som helst der ligner overskæg nail art indtil videre, men da jeg så den ene dag alligevel sad og ordnede neglelakker, greb jeg liiiiige ned i min skuffe med RBL lakker. Og så tog det ene lige pludselig det andet. Her har jeg brugt MisMas, Insoucient og Frugalista(glitter)

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onsdag den 27. november 2013

WellNails Slutty Pumpkin and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. A Comparison.

It's no secret that I am a lover of indie polishes and have amassed quite an astounding number of them - and here in Denmark we also got on the band wagon last year when Charlotte founded WellNails, an indie brand that took it's inspiration from the American tv-series How I Met Your Mother.

Back in November last year I purchased the entire Christmas collection, that is how enamoured I became with the brand when I saw the first bottle shots and swatches that promised highly interesting and very unique glitter combinations. Besides the Christmas polishes I also bought one of the two Thanksgiving polishes: Slutty Pumpkin - I mean, who can resist a bottle of glitter with that name? Not me, anyway :D

Fast forward a year and WellNails has rebooted said polish, now called The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. So how do the two compare? Do you really need them both? Well stick around and see for yourself ;)
The Slutty Pumpkin Returns (left) and Slutty Pumpkin (right)
As you can see from the bottle shot there really is some rebooting going on - these two are definitely NOT alike! Me Like!!

Slutty Pumpkin: A glitter topper filled with green and orange hexes and topped up with micro glitter in orange and gold
I have Slutty Pumpkin on index and ring finger and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns on thumb, middle and little finger. One coat each, on top of Cult Nails Nevermore. 

The Slutty Pumpkin Returns: Glitter topper filled with purple shreds, purple, green and orange hexes in different sizes and gold and orange tiny square glitter. And the biggest surprise: Pumpkin Glitter!!

There are very obvious differences: firstly the addition of purple hexes and shreds, as well as tiny gold and orange square glitter to The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. But there is also GLITTER PUMPKINS in it :O - such a lovely surprise. BUT it lacks the AWESOME micro glitter from Slutty Pumpkin - which really is a bit dissapointing to me, I really LOVE that about Slutty Pumpkin. But since there already is A LOT going on in TSPR it is perhaps for the best, it might have messed up the overall impression of the polish with it.

Formula wise they are both the usual perfect easy-to-work-with consistency that I love about WellNails, and the glitter pay-off is excellent!! You don't have to use the dabble technique with these - except for the pumpkins, they are scarse and you have to fish them out of the bottle and place them. Other wise they apply like butter.

These are definitely too different not to own both of and taking the manegebility in to consideration there really is no reason NOT to buy both if you like this kind of glitter topper. 

Both polishes were purchased from where there is a select choice of WellNails polishes. If you'd like a wider range of the HIMYM polishes you can also stop by the WellNails storenvy shop.

lørdag den 23. november 2013

Doctor Who: Celebrating the 50th anniversary

Today for some of us, is a day to celebrate. It is The Day of the Doctor. 50 years ago the first episode of Doctor Who was aired on BBC. Little did anyone know that 50 years later it would have become a world wild phenomenon with a fan base counting millions.

I am proud to say that I am one of them. Which is also why I am celebrating it here on the blog.

Yesterday I showed you guys some galaxy nails and they were supposed to have been the base for today's nail art but I had to do some work on my bike and after that I had the largest chip fest I ever did see - so last night I tried to recreate those galaxies, which turned out like this:

Pardon the rough cuticles - forgot to moisturise first :D

So today I've been working on the rest and now they look like this:

I used BarryM nail art pens for the white writing and the black outlining of the TARDIS - and it makes all the difference to me, I simply cannot write proper letters or numbers with a brush. 

And now brace your self for a total repeat of this mani, I am so glad I finally was able to create the TARDIS in free hand.


As you may think, I am not the only nail blogger who is celebrating this awesome mile stone. So go ahead and check out the other girls who are sporting fabulous Doctor Who nail art today:

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fredag den 22. november 2013

Fancy Friday #30: Galaxy Nails

Oooooh, I've been looking forward to this I haven't done one since last year when I - somewhat irregularly - did the 52 week nail art challenge.

I know my nail art skills have vastly improved since then but really these are very easy to do and as you can see in this picture it is very hard to fail at this, these are from August 2012:

There are tons of tutorials out there but still I totally forgot to do a step-by-step of this one even though I'd thought about it. Silly me, right?

Once again I've chosen Cult Nails Time Traveller as my base - beware it is HIGHLY pigmented which means it's a one coater but also that it is a TOTAL mess to remove. Strangely enough it didn't stain my nails but boy did I have Smurf fingers while removing it!!

Direct lighting

I picked small pieces off a make up sponge and used a pair of tweezers to apply the polish. I started off with a yellow and did random patterns on each nail - and then I simply had four other polishes that I played around with
A dark purple creme: RBL MisMas
A green shimmer: Ninja Polish Shillelagh
A peacock green-leaning blue: P2 lost in paradise
Glitter: Nfu Oh GS3
Indirect light

When I'd sponged the purple, green and peacock, I took a dotting tool and dotted with the smallest I had - these were done where I thought it would look good :)

With flash

Then I made the stars with white nail polish, the small ones with my shortest striper brush and the bigger with a big dot as base and then drew the spikes with that striper again.

Lastly I took the Nfu Oh glitter and applied one coat. This glitter is AWESOME for galaxy manis since it is holographic and has a lot of different sizes of hex glitters in it.

I had no idea there was some lint on my thumb until I saw it here :D

I hope you liked this one - and you will probably see another galaxy mani on saturday when me and a whole bunch of other bloggers are going to celebrate The Day of the Doctor *dances around excitedly*

Make sure you check out the other girls' galaxy manis, they all do gorgeous nail art.

Så er det galaksedag her og det har jeg godt nok glædet mig til - sådan en har jeg ikke lavet siden august sidste år :D. Galaksenegle er ret ligetil og der er et hav af turorials derude. Hvis du er nybegynder når det kommer til nail art er det her nok en af de bedste typer at starte med, fordi der ikke skal så meget til før du får et godt resultat. 

I morgen lørdag vil der også være galakser når jeg sammen med en bunke andre neglebloggere fejrer 50-året for Doctor Who!

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lørdag den 16. november 2013

Fancy Friday #29: Copy That, Copy Cat

So today's challenge is copying someone else's manicure.

That was an easy choice. I love almost everything Jacki from Adventures in Acetone is doing and I've wanted to do one of her mani's in like forever. But I never got around to it so here was the perfect opportunity. Originally I was going to copy one of her animal manicures because they are way cute, but then I saw this in my bloglovin feed:

Besides this picture she also had an easy step-by-step tutorial that you can follow here.

You guys know how much I love Doctor Who and I think Adipose is soooo cute. So I just had to do this.

Take in to consideration that I rarely do nail art with my non dominant hand (and I thought this was a good way to practice my right hand) then it is actually not that bad, I think.

I used Cult Nails Time Traveller(!!!!) as base colour, nails inc. floral street for the Adipose, Cult Nails Nevermore for eyes and mouth and lastly I just needed some glitter as well and put on Sea Lore Beluga Blizzard on thumb and pinkie before I matted it.

Of course they are not nearly as perfect as Jacki's but I am actually quite satisfied with the result.

I urge you to give Jacki a follow she's an awesome nail artist and her tutorials are so easy to follow that you think while you do it: why didn't I try this one before?

 And before you move on you should check out the other girls and what they've been up to with their copy catting skills.

Så er der dømt kopisteri på bloggen. Dagens udfordring er Genskab en andens mani. Jeg har længe ville lave noget af det som Jacki fra Adventures in Acetone viser frem på sin blog så her var en oplagt mulighed. Oprindeligt ville jeg have lavet en mani med dyr men så dukkede Adipose lige pludselig op i min Bloglovin feed - og så var det jo bare den jeg MÅTTE lave. Man er vel Doctor Who fan ;)

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fredag den 8. november 2013

Fancy Friday #28: Studs

Today's challenge is studs. I don't own any - never felt the incling to do a manicure with them. So I basically didn't have the one thing I needed to make good on this challenge :D
But then I remembered I had some rhinestones left over from some body nail art kit - and decided to pull them out and paint them with gold polish.


I also decided I'd pair them with my BarryM Denim nail polish, it is such an incredibly beautiful polish.

The polish is rather thick and fully opaque with one coat. It dries matte and satiny and has a tendency to get drag marks if if you don't work fast.

I used two coats to get this look and decided not to top coat it, I think a lot of this polish' appeal is that smooth and satiny finish.

I used a large dotting tool to make the stud base and then applied my gold painted rhinestones. Unfortunately the dots were not big enough to achieve the look I was going for so I had to dot around the studs afterwards.

I am reminded of my teenage years Levi's when I look at these :D - oh and I really appologise for the rather wobbly execution of the mani, it is my non-dominant hand that has been put to good use here ;)

Fælles Fredag #28 er nitter. Jeg har endnu ikke haft følt for at skulle bruge dem til nail art så jeg har bare ikke fået købt nogen. Hvad jeg i stedet gjorde, var at tage nogle rhinsten jeg havde og malede dem med en guldlak og besluttede med det samme at lave cowboybuksenitter med min BarryM Denim lak. Den er helt vidunderlig, der er ikke noget ved den lak jeg ikke synes er fantastisk. Jo måske lige at man kan risikere at lave spor i lakken med penslen hvis man ikke arbejder hurtigt nok, den tørrer nemlig super hurtigt!! Den er dækkende i et lag, tørrer mat og den shimmer her er jo helt fantastisk!!!! Og undskyld den noget ujævne finish på de nitter, jeg er jo venstrehåndet ;)

Husk også at checke de andre Fælles Fredag piger og deres version af ugens tema :)

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lørdag den 2. november 2013

Fancy Friday #27: Ikat Nail Art

I was a bit on the fence with this week's challenge and had a hard time finding colours for my mani that would make this one pop. Most of the tutorials and pictures you find if you do a search on Ikat nail art didn't really speak to me. So instead I made a search using the term Ikat pattern - and then the images got a lot more interesting.

And then I saw this pattern:

and thought: Hey I have polishes that matches these colours perfectly. And then it was basically just pulling out some brushes and stripe away...

 I broke the nail off on my middle finger last week and the nail apparently decided to flake off a bit - which I didn't see until after I'd taken pictures.

They actually look a lot cooler in real life but I think you get the basic thought behind this.

I used the following colours:
a-england Galahad
Dior 438 Mango
Maybelline Colorama Urban Lemon
Dior 781 Purple Candy
nails inc floral street

Remember to check the other girls' nail art and find some inspiration for your own Ikat nail art.

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