mandag den 30. december 2013

Fancy Friday #35: Happy New Year

My New Year's mani for this weeks Fancy Friday challenge has failed miserably, everything I created didn't work out the way I thought. But since I'm a big believer in showing my fails as well as successes I decided to NOT keep on until I did something spectacular - or reasonably presentable :D - and instead show you guys my fails :)

The first mani design seemed awesome in my mind's eye but the end result is more than unimpressive I think. It could possibly have worked if I'd chosen a different stamping colour. I think a sparkly blue or green could have made all the difference.

I started off with a coat of BarryM Silver foil and topped it with WellNails Press it for Glory - a gorgeous silver shimmer polish filled with very thin silver holographic bar glitter and black squares and shards to give it some edge. The formula is thin but is easy to work with never the less. You can get opacity with it with two-three layers depending on how thick you like your layers. It sparkles like crazy and is a PERFECT NYE polish!! I apologise for the unfocused picture here, but it is to show how the holographic bar glitter glows...

I definitely should just have left it by its own but I wanted to use a New Years stamp on it and decided to use my Moyou Christmas Plate 05 with BarryM Gold Foil - which really was a bad idea. As  you can see you can hardly see the stamping and the awesomeness of the polish it self is totally lost in the semi matte cover that the foil gives it.

This is the marvellous New Years plate from Moyou - as you can see mine is a Christmas Collection plate, not a Festive Collection plate:

And this is the specific stamp I used:

For my second NYE fail I chose - and I really did think this would be good too - WellNails Rock in the New Year and Elevation Polish Wisteria.
Rock in the New Year is a totally fun glitter topper that I wore last year as well and I really loved it. I definitely chose better undies for it then because even though Wisteria is the most amazing dusty lilac colour they really don't make each other pop...such a shame.

It is a totally beautiful combination otherwise, but as a NYE mani it lacks the Oomph that should be what is the definition of a gorgeous New Years mani.

RitNY is a bit on the thick side and need a little bit of careful application - I used two layers here to get this look.

Wisteria is a breeze to work with and is a  self levelling one coater. It is very easy to work with even though it is a pastel colour. Actually this is one of the reasons I am a devout Elevation fan: Lulu makes awesome polishes with  impeccable formulation - and her pastels are in a league of their own!!

I hope you enjoyed my Fancy Friday fails :) - remember to check the other girls manis, they are spectacular!!

And if I don't get an NYE post up tomorrow: May you all have a Very Happy New Year!! See you next year!!!

Denne uges Fælles Fredag handler mest om, hvordan de ideer jeg får, af og til slet ikke er ligeså vidunderlige når de først er på neglene. De her to manier var i mit hoved VIRKELIG fantastiske, men da de først var udført blev det helt tydeligt, at de var rigtig kedelige!! Press it for Glory skulle ALDRIG have været stemplet med den guldlak og Rock in the New Year har helt sikkert behov for noget ganske andet undertøj for virkelig at være fantastisk. Men jeg synes faktisk det er en god ide også at offentliggøre de manier som er mindre fantastiske og under ens normale niveau for at vise, at det der nail art er en konstant udfordring for de fleste af os ;).

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fredag den 20. december 2013

Fancy Friday 34: Merry Christmas

So I am finally getting into the Christmas spirit and have been looking forward to this challenge. I've had the design on my mind since last year when I first tried the abstract Christmas trees and failed so miserably that I didn't show them here. So I am happy to report that this time it went really well :D.

I did this mani as a skittlette and here is the final look:

To create the trees I started out with painting my nails with Chanel 479 Kaleidoscope. Then I taped a triangle on my middle and ring finger and painted it with a-england Perceval(which is also the colour I used for the index and little finger).

I tore off the tape right after I painted it and top coated it with nails inc. kensington caviar top coat. I let it dry completely before the next step. I then retaped the triangles - this step is a bit tricky and will take some concentration. I used striping tape and placed it so I would get the pattern you see. I finished by filling out the striped triangle with China Glaze Jolly Holly.

Again, I removed the striping tape immediately. It will save you some trouble if you keep track of how you placed the tape and then remove them in reverse direction. I finished the design by placing some rhinestones as stars, I used a blob of top coat to get them to stick properly. Then I top coated it to finish it off.

I used my Dashica XL SdP 93 plate for the christmas ornament, and used BarryM Gold Foil and Jolly Holly polishes.

On my thumb is the SERIOUSLY AHMAZING China Glaze Running in Circles. Boy am I glad I bought that one on a whim. It is perhaps the most beautiful glass fleck polish I own.

And it really is as smooth as it look, one of the reasons why I love glass fleck polishes so much - I can get my glitter fix but don't have to do anything but top coat it to get it to feel smooth to the touch.

And a picture of the design with flash:

I hope you liked it as much as I do :) - and if I don't get to say it later: A very Merry Christmas to all of you, my lovely readers <3

And remember to check out all the other marvellous Christmas manis from the other girls.

Fælles Fredag i denne uge er Glædelig Jul - og jeg er så småt ved at nå i julestemning, lige nu dufter der af glöggkrydderier da jeg er ved at lave glöggekstrakt til min fødselsdag ;). 

Det her design har jeg glædet mig til, faktisk har jeg villet lave det siden sidste år, hvor jeg fejlede med juletræerne i en grad, så jeg ikke viste dem frem her på bloggen. EPIC FAIL siger jeg bare!! Til gengæld er jeg så stolt af det her design og har virkelig lyst til at lave det til juleaften også :D. Og så vil jeg da lige benytte lejligheden til at ønske jer alle en glædelig jul :)

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lørdag den 14. december 2013

Moyou London Christmas stamping on WellNails

I am fast becoming a fan of the relatively new stamping plate company Moyou London. Their designs are very imaginative and they stamp extremely well.

A little more than a week ago Moyou London began a nail art competition on Pinterest and I decided to enter. Not that I think I can win but I believe this design is so pretty other people should be able to enjoy it :D.

I am really so happy with this design - and I thought it was a pity not to share it with you guys. And I really couldn't choose which pics to show you so here goes everything, haha:

My two base colours are WellNails Christmassy Winter Wonderland and Wellnails The North Pole is a Real Place (over nails inc. floral street). The holly leaves were stamped with China Glaze Jolly Holly, the berries were made with a-england Perceval and the snowflakes were done with a white stamping polish.

My Christmassy polish has gotten a little bit thick over the last year so I had to put some thinner in and that took care of any problems I had. The really good thing about this polish is that it covers in two layers but you don't loose sight of the glitters in the first layer, so you get the jelly sandwich effect with a lot more opacity.

I also had to thin The North Pole, more than Christmassy since it has become even thicker, but I have other older Glow-in-the-Dark polishes that also have become thicker over the past year so it could be the GitD pigment that makes the polish thicken more. And once more thinner solved my problem instantly.

And incidentally this mani is a skittlette - the third colour is the fantabulous 479 Kaleidoscope from Chanel. Now, I have a love/hate relationship with my Chanels. Those I own I have bought because I love the colours but Chanel chips like nobodys business when I wear them, I can hardly wear them one day. But this little gem...I wore it for two-and-a-half days with no tip wear or chipping AT ALL!!

Oh for the record: the Moyou stamping plate I used for this mani is Christmas Collection 03.

If you like my design why don't you head over to the Moyou competition on Pinterest and give me a like and a repin.

You can purchase Moyou plates here - but beware once you shop you just can't stop :D, no wonder they are one of the brands of the year at The Crumpet.

fredag den 13. december 2013

Fancy Friday #33: Red Rocks

Christmas is getting closer and Fancy Friday is all about this during December. Surprisingly I seem to want to wear red all the time these days - but it is one specific red in my stash I want to wear: a-england Perceval. I never thought I'd say it but I am in love with that colour! It is a perfect red for me and a one coater! Even though there is a tendency to brush strokes due to its metallic like finish, it is so worth it, the colour payoff is beyond incredible.

So it is the base for my mani for this Fancy Friday:

It called out for something and I decided on the candy canes on my Moyou Christmas Collection 03 stamping plate (yes I know everybody else and their mother calls it the Festive Collection, but on my plate it says Christmas, so that is what I'm sticking to ;) )

Love this so much so here is some nail art spam:

It wasn't until today that I realised that today is actually Friday 13th and that I should have done something a little bit different than this, but then again - these are actually more to the point and seasonal than a F13 mani would have been.

Still can't help thinking how spectacular F13 nails could have been with Perceval as base. *note to self: must be used next time there is a Friday 13th...)

By the way I found a new font for my mobile camera pics which I like better than the one before. Much less "in-your-face".

And pardon my rough cuticles - the weather makes it almost impossible to keep moisturising enough for photos, they seem to swallow every drop of moisture and then look like they've not seen moisture in a fortnight... 

 Do you wear red all year long or are you like me - this is an extremely seasonal colour?

Remember to check out what kinds of red the rest of the girls are wearing this week.

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fredag den 6. december 2013

Fancy Friday #32: Green Digits

I was in such an uninspired mood when I thought these up, but I ended up liking them a lot. Only drawback was how unreasonably difficult it was to get a proper amount of the glitter out. I had to use a replacement RBL brush I have in order to get reasonable coverage here.

The green polish is China Glaze Jolly Holly from their 2010 Christmas Collection, a marvellous polish that I find myself returning to every year at Christmas time even though I've got loads of other holiday polishes. It's  a one coater if you are careful but I've used two coats here.

The red and white glitter topper is Love Always, Candy Cain from Pretty and Polished, Holiday Collection 2012

I've had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year even though I've made Christmas ornaments with the girls and for a swap, I've made some Christmas sweets and made advent calendars. I've been to a work related Christmas party and am going to the traditional family Christmas lunch tomorrow as well. Hopefully I will get there soon since I usually love Christmas.

Remember to check out what kind of Green Digits the rest of the girls are sporting.

Jeg var totalt uinspireret da jeg lavede de her, men jeg endte med at være ret glad for dem alligevel. Blev vildt irriteret på glitteren, den var nærmest umulig at få på penslen i flasken, alle de store hex glitterstykker var umulige at få ud, så jeg måtte finde en lakpensel jeg en gang har fået tilsendt - så fik jeg da også lige nok til at give den effekt som i ser på billederne.

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fredag den 29. november 2013

Fancy Friday #31: Big City/Movember

November is coming to an end and I haven't done a Movember Mani :O - well here is the obvious answer to that problem...

Keeping it short and to the point: In order to raise awareness around testicular cancer men all over the world are sporting moustaches through the entire month of november, hence the nickname. Known as MoBros they share the growth on Movembers web page where you can donate to your friends and their growing 'taches what you feel comfortable with.

Women supporting the cause are known as MoSistas - and there seem to be a hole lotta MoSistas in the nail world considering the enourmous amounts of moustache manis that floods the interwebs come November.

And since my hubby has become a MoBro this year I sure felt the need to join in :) - so here they are:

Wobbly execution of the moustache technique, I've done it all with my non-dominant hand.

So have you sported a moustache on your nails yet? Or is this totally unnecessary?

Remember to stop by the other girls in our Fancy Friday challenge and see what they've conjured up this time.

Fælles Fredag er Storby/Movember. Jeg har slet ikke haft tid til at lave noget som helst der ligner overskæg nail art indtil videre, men da jeg så den ene dag alligevel sad og ordnede neglelakker, greb jeg liiiiige ned i min skuffe med RBL lakker. Og så tog det ene lige pludselig det andet. Her har jeg brugt MisMas, Insoucient og Frugalista(glitter)

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onsdag den 27. november 2013

WellNails Slutty Pumpkin and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. A Comparison.

It's no secret that I am a lover of indie polishes and have amassed quite an astounding number of them - and here in Denmark we also got on the band wagon last year when Charlotte founded WellNails, an indie brand that took it's inspiration from the American tv-series How I Met Your Mother.

Back in November last year I purchased the entire Christmas collection, that is how enamoured I became with the brand when I saw the first bottle shots and swatches that promised highly interesting and very unique glitter combinations. Besides the Christmas polishes I also bought one of the two Thanksgiving polishes: Slutty Pumpkin - I mean, who can resist a bottle of glitter with that name? Not me, anyway :D

Fast forward a year and WellNails has rebooted said polish, now called The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. So how do the two compare? Do you really need them both? Well stick around and see for yourself ;)
The Slutty Pumpkin Returns (left) and Slutty Pumpkin (right)
As you can see from the bottle shot there really is some rebooting going on - these two are definitely NOT alike! Me Like!!

Slutty Pumpkin: A glitter topper filled with green and orange hexes and topped up with micro glitter in orange and gold
I have Slutty Pumpkin on index and ring finger and The Slutty Pumpkin Returns on thumb, middle and little finger. One coat each, on top of Cult Nails Nevermore. 

The Slutty Pumpkin Returns: Glitter topper filled with purple shreds, purple, green and orange hexes in different sizes and gold and orange tiny square glitter. And the biggest surprise: Pumpkin Glitter!!

There are very obvious differences: firstly the addition of purple hexes and shreds, as well as tiny gold and orange square glitter to The Slutty Pumpkin Returns. But there is also GLITTER PUMPKINS in it :O - such a lovely surprise. BUT it lacks the AWESOME micro glitter from Slutty Pumpkin - which really is a bit dissapointing to me, I really LOVE that about Slutty Pumpkin. But since there already is A LOT going on in TSPR it is perhaps for the best, it might have messed up the overall impression of the polish with it.

Formula wise they are both the usual perfect easy-to-work-with consistency that I love about WellNails, and the glitter pay-off is excellent!! You don't have to use the dabble technique with these - except for the pumpkins, they are scarse and you have to fish them out of the bottle and place them. Other wise they apply like butter.

These are definitely too different not to own both of and taking the manegebility in to consideration there really is no reason NOT to buy both if you like this kind of glitter topper. 

Both polishes were purchased from where there is a select choice of WellNails polishes. If you'd like a wider range of the HIMYM polishes you can also stop by the WellNails storenvy shop.

lørdag den 23. november 2013

Doctor Who: Celebrating the 50th anniversary

Today for some of us, is a day to celebrate. It is The Day of the Doctor. 50 years ago the first episode of Doctor Who was aired on BBC. Little did anyone know that 50 years later it would have become a world wild phenomenon with a fan base counting millions.

I am proud to say that I am one of them. Which is also why I am celebrating it here on the blog.

Yesterday I showed you guys some galaxy nails and they were supposed to have been the base for today's nail art but I had to do some work on my bike and after that I had the largest chip fest I ever did see - so last night I tried to recreate those galaxies, which turned out like this:

Pardon the rough cuticles - forgot to moisturise first :D

So today I've been working on the rest and now they look like this:

I used BarryM nail art pens for the white writing and the black outlining of the TARDIS - and it makes all the difference to me, I simply cannot write proper letters or numbers with a brush. 

And now brace your self for a total repeat of this mani, I am so glad I finally was able to create the TARDIS in free hand.


As you may think, I am not the only nail blogger who is celebrating this awesome mile stone. So go ahead and check out the other girls who are sporting fabulous Doctor Who nail art today:

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