lørdag den 22. marts 2014

Fancy Friday #47: Fairy Tale

I'm not as late with this week's Fancy Friday post as I have been for the past three weeks, so yay for that.

For the challenge I've chosen to do Disney princess DIY nail decals - which I usually can manage without any problems but this time they sort of suck.

I have been meaning to try the reverse stamping technique for nail decals for some time so since I have a stamping plate from My Online Shop with Disney princesses on I decided to try it out. Unfortunately the top coat I used was thick and goopy and for some strange reason I didn't thin it. Which resulted in some rather thick base that also curled up a bit when drying.

I then stamped each princess and let them dry and lastly I found suiting polishes to paint them with. I each drop of polish got thinned down with a drop or two of regular top coat to get a less opaque colour so the details would still shine through.

But hot damn it is difficult to paint those little suckers. I used to paint miniatures for my AD&D rpg way back when but this was even more challenging. Hence the rather blodgy result.

I did a circle gradient, as done by Danielle at RocknPolish with three polishes from Cult Nails' Fairy Tale Collection: Princess, Charming and Feelin' Froggy to get a good base for my decals:

Yes, I dinged my index finger RIGHT BEFORE I took this phote *shakes fist*

Princess                                                       Charming                                                       Feelin' Froggy

So have you tried this technique before? If so, any good suggestions as to how to improve myself?

Åh ja, Eventyr. Vidste med det samme at jeg ville lave hjemmelavede Disney prinsesse stickers, da jeg har en My Online Shop stempelplade med blandt andet Disney motiver. Derudover lavede jeg en cirkelgradient med Cult Nails lakker fra deres Fairy Tale kollektion fra 2012. Pigerne er helt tossede med dem, men måtte desværre skuffe dem med at deres negle er for små endnu :D. 

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Remember Aja

Today March 21st I am featuring a gorgeous purple scattered holographic polish from Girly Bits called Remember Aja. I am also featuring it as my profile pic on Instagram in remembrance of the tragic passing a year ago of Aja, a young girl very close to Pam, the creator of Girly Bits.

Aja's life was cut short due to a tragic game amongst pre-teens and teenagers that involves self asphyxiation - and is called The Choking Game.

In order to help informing about the tragic consequences of the game she created this beautiful polish:

Parts of the profit from the sale of this polish goes to a fund Aja's parents has set up to help educate and inform youngsters and their parents about this dangerous game.

If you own a bottle of Remember Aja feel free to join in the rememberance by connecting with this inlinkz code:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->

<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="http://www.inlinkz.com/cs.php?id=384742&' + new Date().getTime() + '"><\/script>');

<!-- end InLinkz script -->

You can also share on instagram and facebook using the hashtag #rememberaja.

If you want to read more about the Choking Game and it's dangers you can visit the RememberAja's homepage

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fredag den 21. marts 2014

I am a Guest Blogger at The Crumpet!!

I am sooo excited. Right now I am featured guest blogger at one of my favourite nail blogs: The Crumpet. Debbie is an awesome nail artist, a marvellous swatcher, an overall wonderful person and I love her to pieces. I am honoured to be there today.

If you want to see what I came up with for my guest post using these polishes you should go there now:

torsdag den 20. marts 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #11: Ruffle Mani

I have a lot of Essie polishes that more than fit the bill for this challenge. Mostly because I'm not too excited about the formula. The old ones are rather thin and runny and they also have the thin brush which I am not a big fan of. But since this particular challenge doesn't require the brush I thought I'd give it a go.

My right hand was occupied with my St. Paddys mani so I did it on my left which means a lot of wobbliness, since I had to use my non-dominant hand - and somehow the polish ended up pooling at my fingertips of all places and making it look like I failed at applying gel nails :D.

As you can see the ruffles are less than properly aligned :D.

Polishes used for this mani: Pretty Edgy, Turquoise and Caicos, Mojito Madness, Greenport, Sew Psyched and Going Incognito.

I need to try this technique again with my dominant hand just to make sure that it can be done and look more clean than this...quite messy I think.

Do take some time and look at the other ruffle manicures - I've spotted a couple already that I need to study closer to help me with my next try ;)

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (https://www.facebook.com/groups/purplecrumpetfairy/)

20th March - Ruffle Mani

Open 13 - 27 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

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onsdag den 19. marts 2014

Fancy Friday #46: Yellow, Red, Blue, Green

For this challenge I chose to dig into my collection of Girly Bits since I was certain I had all colours covered but had some I've never worn. So off I went and found Banana Hammock, Glow Worm, Arctic Sunrise and Dancing Phalanges.

I love how all of these colours oozes spring, and it matched the weather when I wore it last week. Unfortunately the weather gods decided we could have autumn like weather this week to pay for the very early spring feel.

Somehow my nails managed to grow quite a lot from when I applied Banana Hammock to the time next day when I dotted them. Crazy is what my nails are...

Banana Hammock             Arctic Sunrise            Glow Worm            Dancing Phalanges

I plan on being on time with this week's challenges so here's hoping I get it done ;)

Ja, så er jeg forsinket igen. Ikke med selve manien, den var skam færdig tirsdag i sidste uge, men synes alligevel jeg ville vise jer denne forårsagtige sag. Alt er Girly Bits og jeg synes de her farver skreg forår til mig :)

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tirsdag den 18. marts 2014

Happy belated St. Patricksday!!

I haven't celebrated St. Paddys since I studied in England over 10 years ago. It was fun and since I love Irish beer it was a blast. So to remind myself of all the fun I had I decided to get in on this year's celebration - and here is what I did.

I started out with this basic mani and had it all planned out. At least I thought so. But when it came to stamping the pot'o'gold on my ring finger I suddenly remembered I had thought of painting one of my nails gold.

A lot of facepalms later I got myself together and started stamping. And then I got to the Claddagh and realised I still hadn't gotten it all together. So I topped the middle finger with Ninja Polish Shillelagh and was good to go.

Last year I bought some plates from Messy Mansion one of which was this St. Patricksday plate. It is very versatile and though I will only get to use it once a year I'm still happy I bought it :)

I used Camelot for the pot'o'gold and should probably have used my Black stamping polish though that one isn't always a guarantee for a clear transfer either.

And these were the polishes used for this mani:

Have you made a St. Patricksday mani and want to share it? Follow this link to add the inlinkz script to your blog post:

get the InLinkz code

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mandag den 17. marts 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #10: Purple

Yay, one of my favourite colours is part of this GOT polish post. I love purple nail polish and we've had some amazing weather here the past week. So I decided to do some holo nail art.

One of my favourite Boutique Brand polishes is a-england. Adina creates amazing polishes with flawless application and buttery formula. They are one coaters and dries amazingly fast - you see why I love them? Lady of the Lake was part of my very first purchase from a-england back in february 2011 and I haven't worn it since I tried it the first day I got it.

Another Boutique Brand I love is RBL and I have a lot of them. Some of them can be problematic to apply, but the two beauties I chose for this mani applied like butter - they are Purple Haze and Insouciant.

Then I thought I'd spice it all up a bit. I applied Girly Bits Twitterpated on Lady of the Lake. It is not meant to be a french tip  but I realise it looks like a failed attempt at that :D. Then I decided to stamp roses on Purple Haze using Hits no Olimpo Dionisio.

Here is an example of how different polishes react differently with the same top coat. It is THE FIRST time I've had shrinkage with my Dior gel top coat - apparently some RBL's don't like it. I'm wearing RBL Insouciant on my index and RBL Purple Haze on my pinkie and thumb. The shrinkage on Insouciant is out of this world, I have NEVER had this much shrinkage with any top coat within less than 24 hours. Though I must say I was at the bottom of my bottle of gel coat and it was somewhat thicker than normal. But still...I do know that RBL can be fickle with top and base coat, I can't use Dior ridge filler either, they will NEVER dry. Hmm, maybe it is a Dior/RBL conflict...

Like I said the shrinkage is out of this world:

The stamped roses didn't really pop, but I don't mind they looked lovely anyway ;)

Insouciant                  Purple Haze                 Dionisio     Lady of the Lake    Twitterpated

I hope you all enjoyed these purple beauties, I really loved getting them back on my fingers :)

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (https://www.facebook.com/groups/purplecrumpetfairy/)

13th March - Purple

Open 6 - 20 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

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mandag den 10. marts 2014

Fancy Friday #45: Acid Wash

A totally new technique for me in this week's Fancy Friday challenge - and boy I struggled with it. I really need to figure out how to get the proper random look translated to my nails.

I applied one layer of GOSH Misty Mauve at the bottom, and then layered with Lavender Love, Miss Minty and Berry Me - also GOSH polishes.

I love how these four colours look together:

           Berry Me                    Miss Minty               Lavender Love               Misty Mauve

But I really couldn't figure this one out. I used a brush for this result though I'm not sure whether I would get a cleaner look with a q-tip or not.

I followed the step-by-step guide the lovely Miss Crumpet published last summer, but this looks nowhere near as clean as her lovely manicure.

I must say I like the idea but I am not crazy about the execution here. But as any thing else nail art I guess it is just a matter of trial and error. So if at first you don't succeed then try and try again ;)

 Make sure you check out the rest of the girls and their Acid Wash Manis :)

Fredagens udfordring var Acid Wash og mand det kæmpede jeg godt nok med. Jeg fulgte The Crumpet's tutorial men det blev jo ikke halvt så pænt som hendes :D. Jeg er helt vild med farvekombinationen men er MEGET ambivalent i forhold til selve udførelsen af den her acetone afvaskning...Men det er jo bare at prøve det igen. Jeg har efterhånden fået lært at det der nail art er ligesom alt andet i livet: Øvelse gør mester ;)

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søndag den 9. marts 2014

Fancy Friday #44: Guess Who I am (Fastelavn)

It was all about dressing up and face paint in the little house hold last week. It was Fastelavn last sunday, the Danish version of Mardi Gras, Fastlovend, Pancake Day...basically the beginning of the Christian fasting.

We(the children) dress up, eat a pastry called Fastelavnsboller (they are YUMMI) and beat the cat out of the barrel: the equivalent of a piñata is beaten to pieces and candy showers the little ones. A white barrel with a pictogram of a cat on it signifying the olden tradition where a living black cat was put in there and the villagers joining in the rather ghastly beating which was supposed to chase evil away...I tell you we were some fierce mofos back then :D

And here is the mani I was sporting last weekend - Liv was dressed as a zebra and Silja as a bride with pink beads painted on her forehead. Thus I did my nails to match their costumes:

I painted their nails as well. Liv had zebra nails and Silja chose to wear Darling Diva Pink Diamond with Silver Diamond stamped flowers.

Pardon the black streaks but I was painting zebra stripes on Liv's costume with acrylic paint and realised I'd gotten some on my nails :D

For some strange reason I dotted the wrong way :D

You can still visit the other girls to check out their manis though their Fastelavn nails won't be the first post you'll see.

Fastelavnsneglene fra sidste uge nåede jeg altså ikke at lægge op, ligesom denne uges Fælles Fredag indlæg også er forsinket. Men der sker meget familierelateret i det lille hjem for tiden, som kræver min fulde opmærksomhed :). 

Her er de altså og er lavet som et match til pigernes fastelavnsudklædning. Liv var klædt ud som zebra og Silja var brud med indiskinspirerede perlerækker i  pink malet i panden. Jeg har dog fået vendt prikkerne på mine negle den forkerte vej :D

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fredag den 7. marts 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #9: Skittle

So since I am so very late with everything these days I'm doing a very word limited post today :D.

BBCouture Eye Candy Skittle. With alternated french tips. Enjoy...

      Playboy       Sexy Centerfold    Heavenly Hunk    Junk in the Trunk     Trim and Tassled

See you guys later today - it's gonna be a post heavy friday ;)

Oh and do remember to check the rest of the GOT manis - there are some totally gorgeous and creative ones in there!!!

This is the linkup page for the Golden Oldie Thursday Challenge - "GOT Polish Challenge" by the Crumpet's Nail Tarts (https://www.facebook.com/groups/purplecrumpetfairy/)

6th March - Skittle

Open 27 February - 13 March!

A reminder of the rules :

* the polish you use should be at least one year old

* if you haven't been a polishaholic that long, you can use the oldest polishes you have

* the polish should be previously used, but if you're stuck, you could free a yearling from Mount Untried (seriously, some of mine are reaching puberty out there)

* you can use more than 1 polish as long as it fits the theme and the rules

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