onsdag den 23. april 2014

Darling Diva Polish the Opals Collection part 2: Teal and Sea Moss Green

Second part of the Darling Diva Opals are the beautiful and quite Me colours Teal and Sea Moss Green.

First up is Sea Moss Green, a quite stunning rich green that had me thinking of the lake at Hogwarts that Harry dives in to for the second Tri-Wizard Tournament challenge.

Packed with the same iridescent mylar flakes and sea blue hex glitters as the two previous polishes, here they are in a moss green jelly like polish base that delivers a sense of deep lakes surrounded with greenery, with lilypads flowing around hiding a more sinister deep. I am totally in love with this polish.

This base is like the first two, very jelly like so I used three very thin layers to reach this opacity. It was a bit on the thick side but definitely not too unmanageble.

Remember to let it dry between layers so not to drag the flakes through the polish. And remember that these polishes eat top coat for breakfast so you need a glitter tamer like Gelous or several layers of top coat to get an even surface.

Second is Teal Opal - the name really gives it away :D, a teal blue jelly polish that also need three thin layers for this particular look. As with the green there was some thickness to the polish and if you want to be sure to get a more manageable consistency you could add a few drops of thinner.

Surprisingly enough it has a very delicate feel to it when on your nails which I really didn't expect when I saw it in the bottle.

Since the flakes and glitters are more in-tone in this than in Sea Moss Green it doesn't come off as interesting as the partner but it has its own beauty to it.

It is amazing how the jelly base give the polishes the look of the flakes being suspended in several layers on your nail - an absolutely unique look that I don't think I have in my collection. The only thing near this is my Cult Nails Clairvoyant but I haven't worn it in a long time and I don't recall it as giving off quite the same effect.

Darling Diva Polishes can be purchased at Llarowe, Norway Nails, Edgy Polish, and in Carrie's own BigCartel shop.

You can follow Darling Diva on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram.

These polishes were sent to me for my honest review.

lørdag den 19. april 2014

Fancy Friday #51: Easter Nails

Whoa, I just realised we are only two weeks away from our One Year Anniversary here at the Fancy Friday blogger team. It's been great so far and to think I've actually done most of the nail art though sometimes a bit later than friday is quite a feat in itself - and I am quite chuffed about it!!

Well on to today's mani which is an Easter Mani. As I wrote yesterday I did some cute easter nail art for the Digital Dozen easter nail art contest so even though I wanted to use it for this post I found it a bit of a cheat if I just reused it.

I did a very simple but eastery mani for this challenge - though I could have challenged myself more here - but I really love this combination, and I hope you enjoy them as well.

The intended look for these nails are easter eggs and I think it worked VERY well :)

The polishes used are:
Elevation Polish Wisteria
Elevation Polish Alphubel
Elevation Polish Jengish Chokusu
Elevation Polish Cuernos del Paine
Elevation Polish Mount Yu
And the were all topped off with Elevation Polish Plumeria

This turned out so much more festive than I thought it would, I really adore it - and with all polishes from Elevation they were a breeze to apply - though I did use slight dapping to place the circle glitters from Plumeria a bit more even than they flow out on the nail when you apply it.

I also did a couple of macros - just because ;)

So have you done something particular for Easter? If you want to show me feel free to leave a link to your nail art in the comments. And don't forget to check the rest of the Fancy Friday Easter nail art out, the girls have done some pretty awesome easter manicures!!

Så er der dømt påske på bloggen. Jeg har deltaget i Digital Dozen's nail art konkurrence og fik en delt førsteplads, yay mig ;) - men jeg synes det var snyd at genbruge den mani til Fælles Fredag, så jeg lavede de her MEGET simple negle, som minder om påskeæg - det synes jeg ihvertfald de gør :D. Hvis du har lavet påskenegle, vil jeg vildt gerne se dem. Smid et link i kommentarfeltet, så vil jeg med glæde checke dem. Og husk så lige at kigge med hos resten af Fælles Fredag holdet, der er fantastiske påskenegle!!!!

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fredag den 18. april 2014

I actually won a nail art contest :O

So some of you might have seen on my facebook page that I entered the Digital Dozen's Egg-cellent Easter Nail Art Contest - and guess what? I tied for first place with Rose from Manicured and Marvellous!!!

I won the honour and a feature on the Digital Dozen blog!! So take a look at how I did my Easter Nails over there - they were actually quite cute.

Golden Oldie Thursday #15: Hot Pink

Well here is a challenge that was almost impossible for me. I am not a pink person and my stash is almost without the colour - and only one polish I can call hot pink: OPI I'm All Ears. And since we're on holiday in Sweden with a lot of kids running around, this is just going to be a basic swatch to show you guys this stunner. 'Cause that is what this polish is!!! And I never thought I'd ever say that about a pink polish...Strangely enough all these pics turn red from the transfer from my phone :O.

 Just look at this - I mean, what's not to like about it? It has glass flecks for goodness sake!!! And I was lucky the sun was out and did all sort of great stuff with this polish.

I need to wear this again soon, this should not be packed away in my Helmer!!

*still a bit stunned that I like a pink polish*

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torsdag den 17. april 2014

Darling Diva Polish The Opals collection part 1: Blue and Violet

It is not often I do specific reviews but I was so fortunate to get Darling Diva Polish's Opal collection through the door for your viewing pleasure and boy are these polishes one stunner after the other. Due to my not being able to kill my darlings I've had to seperate the collection in to three posts, with the blue and violet Opals as the first ones.

Blue Opal is a light sky blue polish jam packed with iridiscent mylar flakes, sea blue and iridescent hex glitters, and micro glitter that catches the light in the most crazy way and give an insane depth to the polish. These swatches are three thin layers without undies.

There is a feel of looking down through water - it really blew me away, I don't think I've ever had that sense with a mylar flake polish before. I have to say I tried it with white undies but I prefer it by far without, the translucent character that I love so much in this polish is lost when you use a base colour.

It has to be said it was a little on thick side (but nothing a little thinner can't help you with) so I had to be rather careful and use thin layers to ease application - and remember since the mylar flakes are rather coarse they tend to drag through the polish so you need a light hand. Furthermore I also used my trusted glitter tamer, Gelous, so the polish didn't look too rough.

And you get this very soft and delicate feel from it when it is in indirect sunlight.

Look at that layering of the flakes...Awesome!!

Violet Opal is Blue Opal's daring and evil twin. The mylar flakes and hex glitters are the same as in Blue Opal but in this violet base the character changes 180 degrees.

This is a bold statement type of polish that had my oggling my own nails every 5 minutes.

The consistancy of Violet Opal was almost the same as Blue Opal but it was a little bit more temperamental to work with so I had to use VERY thin layers not to get too much drag. I used three layers for this look but they can be opaque with two regular layers.

Remember to let layers dry COMPLETELY before applying the next or you will risk the mylar flakes drag through your already painted nails.

I must say I love these polishes - they are totally unique in my collection. They may need to be handled precisely and with care, but all the more enjoyment to be had from the gorgeousness adorning your nails!!!

Darling Diva Polishes can be purchased at Llarowe, Norway Nails, Edgy Polish, and in Carrie's own BigCartel shop.

You can follow Darling Diva on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram.

These polishes were sent to me for my honest review.

lørdag den 12. april 2014

Fancy Friday #50: Tribal/Pattern

For this challenge I was going to do a tribal mani but then one of my fellow Nordic nail addicts who runs Svartebloggen shared a blog post she did on reverse stamping and an awesome way to use it. Batcheeba's style is grungy and highly creative - in a remarkable way that reminds me of how Missy of Gnarly Gnails does things.

So this is became a pattern mani instead of the tribal, inspired by Reverse Stamping - The Cut Up:

I started out with these small fellows:

And then cut them into different pieces that I sort of randomly placed on my nails:

These were taken outside in indirect daylight:

As you may have noticed I moisturise before I take pictures :D.

The next pics are in artificial lighting:

I have used a different top coat here but I'm not totally convinced of it's use. I don't really find it fast drying and it made dents next to the edges of the decals - not cool in my view. But I still need to work a little more with it before I cast my final judgement.

So how do you like this? Something you'd try out or is it just not your thing?

Ugens udfordring er Tribal/Mønster. Jeg ville egentlig have lavet tribal men så faldt jeg over noget reverse stamping på Svartebloggen som jeg virkelig gerne ville prøve af. Og det er egentlig lykkedes meget godt ;)

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fredag den 4. april 2014

Fancy Friday #49: If the Shoe Fits

Today's second post is this week's Fancy Friday manicure. As the title suggest it's supposed to ne inspired by a shoe. I'm not big on shoes these days since my knee is acting up and I can hardly wear anything but my MBT shoes. They are comfy as hell to walk in and relieving my knee of a lot of pressure and tension. But they are not good nail art material either :D.

Then I thought what about sneakers and then I was instantly bought back to my very early twenties anf my favourite pair of shoes: my red converse sneakers.

And in my stash is the gorgeous Elevation Polish Matsuda which is almost a perfect match to that colour. So here they are:

Golden Oldie Thursday #13: Pastels

This is short and to the point - and a day late. Blue and green pastels. Hope you like them - I sure do ;)