fredag den 25. juli 2014

Fancy Friday #64: Cloud Mani

When you google: Cloud nail art, you will most likely find pictures and tutorials for the type of mani that I have done in this post - but this week's FF challenge was actually free to interpretation...perhaps I should have done something else for this mani is at best very basic...

Oooohhh, Bubbles!!

My middle finger suffered a break before we went camping in week 28 - luckily I was able to tame it for almost two weeks. These were done last week and it wasn't until Sunday I removed this mani and then cut my nails down. The bumpy lump on my middle finger nail is where that particular break was...

Essie Mojito Madness, nails inc. hyde park gate and Sinful Colors Dream On made for a quite interesting combination.

Though I did get compliments for it I am not very happy with this mani, but I do know that it will be recreated together with my Hubbie's grand niece - she will be joining us here in Sweden tomorrow and we have decided she needs to try this (she still doesn't know) ;)

Fælles Fredag er i denne uge Cloud mani. Ved en hurtig google søgning finder man min type mani vældig godt repræsenteret - der har dog været fri fortolkning, hvilket i også vil kunne se hos nogle af de andre bloggere :)

Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.


Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til hvis du vil være med. 

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Golden Oldie Thursday #28: Yellow

Waaaayyyyy too late with this but that is the way things go when the Holiday spirit kicks in :D

Took RBL Square Pants and some Elevation Polish glitters out for a spin...and came back with this look:

Elevation Polish Stay Behind, Catch a Wave

Elevation Polish Daisen

It is really lovely and delicate - I think Jelly Sammiches are my new favourite mani...too bad I haven't got that many jelly polishes :D

My cuticles really are in a bad shape at the moment - endless application of oils and balms is not always enough to help. I am looking in to a couple of solutions that looks promising but I will keep you updated on this...

Since I am posting this a bit late there won't be any inlinkz code to the other bloggers.

tirsdag den 15. juli 2014

From the Vault

Due to me and the family being on a camping holiday last week there wasn't much going on here - no Golden Oldie Thursday or Fancy Friday posts.

So to help me get this week started properly I went to my manicure vault and found this for your viewing pleasure :D :

Elevation Polish Jengish Chokosu

Girly Bits Mint to Be

Ring finger: Girly Bits enJOYmint

If you want to see more of this kind you can check out my red Converse nail art that I did for Fancy Friday back in April.

See you on thursday where the theme for Golden Oldie Thursday is yellow.

fredag den 4. juli 2014

Fancy Friday #62: Neon

Summer is finally  here!! As I write this the sun is shining brightly even though it is past seven in the evening. I love that we have summer evenings where the sun doesn't set until nine.

And how appropriate that the theme is neon, then. Sadly I didn't get to take pictures of my mani in the sun, but I played a little with my lighting setup and ended up with something that resembles sunlight.

Limestone      Pic de Sottlo    Dream On                  Orange       Banana      Glow Worm

 Of course I dinged my nail just before I took this photo :O

In indirect light it is really hard to see all the neon gorgeousness.

Tadaaaaaaaa -  NEON...or what?

Initially I thought the leopard spots were a fail but I wanted to try out my new brushes a bit more and actually found them easier to work with the second time around, but as "leopard spot applier" it wasn't as good as a dotting tool.

 And actually, when you look at my nails from afar they look leopardy enough ;)

Udfordringen er neon i denne uge. Jeg havde lyst til at bruge en række af mine neon lakker så jeg tænkte at en leopardmani nok ville være at foretrække. Og de ser virkelig fede ud på afstand - så ligegyldig med at jeg umiddelbart syntes det var FAIL på højt plan...

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Golden Oldie Thursday #26: Turqoise

Another favourite colour of mine for this week's GOT polish challenge.

Found YSL Turqoise Utopique in my drawer that I wanted to use as base, it was actually the first I thought of when I saw the challenge theme.

For some reason these pictures lost a lot in colour when they got uploaded to my Google account. WHERE DID ALL THE GREEN GO?????. It really is turqouise and not this dusty blue meh kinda polish...

As you can see I did a waterfall mani - I love them big time :D - and I got to use my new nail art brushes that I bought from StylishNailArtShop which I will have to get used to, because they weren't super easy to work with

These were the polishes I used:

YSL Utopian Turquoise, ChG Keep Calm, Paint on, ChG Kinetic Candy Zoya Wednesday ChG Grape Juice

Remember to check other turqouise manis - they are awsome

torsdag den 3. juli 2014

Big A** Blogger Collaboration July Give Away

I've teamed up with some amazing bloggers to celebrate that summer is finally here!

It is quite epic if I do say so myself - with THREE winners that get a 40$ gift certificate for an online nail polish retailer.

The giveaway is international - YAY - and it is so very easy to participate, just follow the steps in the Rafflecopter form in the end of this post.

The giveaway is open from now until July 31 July at noon Pacific Standard Time (Greenwich -8).

Good luck, all.