mandag den 30. september 2013

September Haul

So this is one of those posts that was inspired by some of the comments from my first giveaway. You gals wanted to see what I spend my money on - polish wise ;)

I've actually been fairly good this month withstanding great offers mostly as a result of a catastrophic incident back in July - a ginormous nail polish package got caught in customs and returned to sender, and still hasn't arrived at it's destination. Amongst other things it contained the JulieG Gumdrops, five RBL polishes, five of the Strawberry Shortcake polishes from Red Dog Designs, nine or so Zoyas, five SinfulShines and three SinfulShines top coats. That put me back a considerable amount of cash though all this was bought over a period of three months.

So I've put myself on a low buy - though that as you will see is not really what happened, haha.

I am a huge Kiko fan and was unfortunately not able to buy all the Sugar Mattes before they sold out, I only got the green and the supposedly orange one, though when it arrived it looked more peach to me.

But when I found out that NinjaPolish was going to be stocking them I was like, yeah I'll get them there instead. And I've been looking at Shillaleigh in like forever so I decided it was time it found it's way to my stash. The stamping plates are MyonlineShop which are also stocked at the Ninjas.

I am very lucky to have an Elevation Polish membership which is sort of a pre order way to get your hands on Elevation Polish without having to stalk the site at the restocks on the 7th and 22nd of each month - and I think I went a little overboard when I bought these at the restock on september 7th:


Then I thought I couldn't live without these Girly Bits polishes so I had to have them as well:

And finally I got really lucky at the Elevation Polish restock on 22nd, I actually got my hands on these gorgeous Small Batch Prototypes:

I can attest that Wisteria is a one coater!! Soooo easy to work with! And Ilha do Faial looks very delicate, it is not an opaque polish though so underwear will be needed if you are so inclined. Pictures will be up on Instagram tomorrow and I will blog about the design I made with them later this week.

fredag den 27. september 2013

Fancy Friday #22: Splatter

If you follow me on Instagram you saw this earlier this week:

A runaway bread knife cut into my index finger - and it is the hand that is my primary nail art hand since I'm a lefty ;) - and when I told the girls in my Fancy Friday bloggers group that I might skip this week I got a right telling off :D.

I really suck at splatter manis but I got inspired by one of the comments and thought What the Heck and did this:

I used Cult Nails Nevermore for the black base and matted it with Essies matte top coat. Then I took China Glaze Phat Santa and Milani Red to Tango and used them for the blood splatter. And no I didn't do the straw thing - I just held the polish brush slightly above my hand a shook it violently :D.

Nå, så er der blodige fingre på bloggen i forbindelse med Fælles Fredag. Dagens tema er Splatter og eftersom min pegefinger kom i karambolage med brødkniven i søndags endte jeg med at lade mig provokere til det her - ja, jeg kigger på dig Amalie!! :P. Jeg var nemlig ved at melde fra fordi den hånd jeg kom til skade med er min nail art hånd og jeg havde lidt svært ved at forestille mig, hvordan det skulle blive til noget ordentligt. Og så kom Amalie liiiiige med en kommentar i vores Facebook gruppe om at jeg var en kylling (min læsning) og jo bare tage mig sammen (min læsning) og få noget sjov ud af det(det sagde hun faktisk ;) )- og det kunne jeg ikke sidde overhørig!
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lørdag den 21. september 2013

2 Year Blogiversary Giveaway Galore, Part 2: The German Duochromes finally up and running...and just to remind you:

Misslyn blue planet, Catrice Genius in a Bottle, essence chic reloaded, P2 lost in paradise, Misslyn blue lights

This giveaway is open internationally and will run for two weeks. The winner will have 48 hours to claim the price - and as usual: cheating will get you disqualified ;). a Rafflecopter giveaway

fredag den 20. september 2013

Fancy Friday #21: Dots

This week is dotticure week so here you go - one that is done with my non dominant hand, which definitely can be seen on the...dots ;) Not the most aligned attempt to say the least. But the colours are lovely so hopefully you'll take a closer look...

The colours are from Essie's North Fork Collection from 2009. I am normally not a big fan of Essie polishes but these are really nice to work with.

Sag Harbor - blue leaning light gray shimmer polish. Opaque in two coats.

Greenport - in some lights a mint green, in other lighting turquoise, creme polish, formula excellent and easy to work with.

Shelter Island - a crelly sky blue, first layer very sheer but opaque with second coat. Very high shine without top coat!

Bubbles Galore :D

I hope you like this - I had fun using my "other" hand for nail art, perhaps I should try that a little more often :D

Så er det blevet tid til en gang prikker - for første gang laver jeg nail art med min højre hånd og det var godt nok lidt af en udfordring, skulle jeg lige hilse og sige ;)  Jeg har brugt Essie lakker denne gang - fra den nærmest sagnomspundne North Fork Collection, og hold op hvor jeg altså synes de er pæne! Lakkerne altså, for jeg synes godt nok de prikker er skæve :D

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onsdag den 18. september 2013

"So what happened to the next giveaway?"

...well Rafflecopter has decided to play tricks on me so there will be a short delay...

Hopefully I can get it up and running no later than friday, but it will remain to be seen.

In the mean time you can look at the prize instead - I think I will call it "The German Duochromes Collection" :D

The polishes are, from left to right: Misslyn Blue Planet, Catrice Genius in a Bottle, essence chic reloaded, P2 lost in paradise, and Misslyn Blue Lights.

Looking forward to this or what? ;)

søndag den 15. september 2013

And the winner is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner has been contacted and has 48 hours to answer ;)

Keep a lookout on the page for Part 2, I'll be setting it up some time tomorrow.

fredag den 13. september 2013

Fancy Friday #20: Accent Nail

Today's Fancy Friday is very short and to the point!

It started out like this:

 Then I thought of the stamping plate I'd received from NinjaPolish the day before:

And then I did this:

How could I not? You know I love Dr Who...

Btw, I used two polishes from Sealore Polish that are from her, now retired, winter collection 2012 - Wintry Whale and Beluga Blizzard. They were ridiculously easy to apply, two coats of each to get this kind of opacity is a winner in my book!!

For stamping purposes I used a white stamping polish for the Adipose and RBL Dead Calm for the TARDIS. So in love with this!!

Så blev det Fælles Fredag #20 som er accent negl. Jeg har valgt to lakker fra Sealore Polish vinterkollektion 2012: Beluga Blizzard og Wintry Whale. Kom så i tanke om min nye stempelplade som kom fra Ninjaerne i forgårs, og så gik der altså lidt Dr Who i den. Behøver jeg at nævne at jeg elsker Dr Who? ;)

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søndag den 8. september 2013

Fancy Friday #19: Reverse Gradient

Another friday has come and gone and I am a bit late but that isn't keeping me from posting it ;)

Today is Reverse - or Reciprocal -  Gradient, a type of nail art I really enjoy making. I'm getting good at it but I can get A LOT better yet :D. Technically what you do is make a gradient, then you tape it and then you gradient again but this time you reverse the colours.

The colours I chose were all from The Nail Junkie's spring polishes: The Pastel Mattes, a collection that originally didn't have the green and the blue I'm using - but Aleta likes to expand her core collections with new colours and the Spring Mattes were the first to acquire new siblings :)

But I digress - you guys are here for the polishes, right?

This is so delicate, almost too delicate for my tastes - but never the less I love it!!

The Nail Junkie Green Goddess:

The Nail Junkie BlueBonnet:

The Nail Junkie Violet:

I think the last two pics are slightly more colour correct than the rest of the pics.

The Nail Junkie polishes can be purchased through her Etsy store or at Norway Nails if you'd like to try them out.

Fredagens Fælles Fredag bliver så i dag, og denne gang er udfordringen Reverse Gradient. Basalt set laver du en gradient, laver et tapemønster og så gentager du din gradient bare med farverne omvendt. Jeg er ret vild med denne type nail art og er ved at være ret habil til den - eller det bilder jeg da mig selv ind ;).
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mandag den 2. september 2013

Fancy Friday #18: Purple is Purfect

So everything has been crazy busy in my life, as per usual and that also means I had the mani ready and done but didn't get time to write up this post. But it is not of lack of trying. See I've got this new phone that takes decent pictures and I got Blogger on it - so I've been trying to get it done that way. But since I can't set it in html mode it is no good for my FF post since I need html access for them.

So what I'm doing right now is write up this post on the computer and adding the phone pics from here. Hopefully the pics will be satisfying enough for you :D

I wanted to try out a skittlette mani, I'm quite fascinated by how much you can fill in before it tips the scales. For this I used FeverLacquer Violent Sweet on my thumb and pinkie, Illamasqua Poke with Illamasqua Babtiste lines drawn with a nail art brush, and Kiko 331 striped with GOSH Misty Mauve and fan brushed Girly Bits Daddy's Little Girl on top of that.

I'm quite happy with this - and I love purple so this challenge was awesome for me ;)

Hopefully you guys liked it as well - there are more to come, I think.

Forsinket igen som vanligt men i skal ikke snydes alligevel :D Lilla er Lovely og det kan jeg da lige skrive under på, elsker simpelthen den farve i alle dens afskygninger. Har læst en del om skittlette manier her på det sidste, flere af dem jeg kender eksperimenterer med dem og de ser for fede ud - og vupti skulle der da lige laves sådan en. Er selv ret godt tilfreds ;)
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