I've actually been fairly good this month withstanding great offers mostly as a result of a catastrophic incident back in July - a ginormous nail polish package got caught in customs and returned to sender, and still hasn't arrived at it's destination. Amongst other things it contained the JulieG Gumdrops, five RBL polishes, five of the Strawberry Shortcake polishes from Red Dog Designs, nine or so Zoyas, five SinfulShines and three SinfulShines top coats. That put me back a considerable amount of cash though all this was bought over a period of three months.
So I've put myself on a low buy - though that as you will see is not really what happened, haha.
I am a huge Kiko fan and was unfortunately not able to buy all the Sugar Mattes before they sold out, I only got the green and the supposedly orange one, though when it arrived it looked more peach to me.
But when I found out that NinjaPolish was going to be stocking them I was like, yeah I'll get them there instead. And I've been looking at Shillaleigh in like forever so I decided it was time it found it's way to my stash. The stamping plates are MyonlineShop which are also stocked at the Ninjas.
Then I thought I couldn't live without these Girly Bits polishes so I had to have them as well:
And finally I got really lucky at the Elevation Polish restock on 22nd, I actually got my hands on these gorgeous Small Batch Prototypes:
I can attest that Wisteria is a one coater!! Soooo easy to work with! And Ilha do Faial looks very delicate, it is not an opaque polish though so underwear will be needed if you are so inclined. Pictures will be up on Instagram tomorrow and I will blog about the design I made with them later this week.