...sometime within the next 10 hours!!
Charlotte has redesigned the shop and restocked it with all her wonderful nail goodies and nail art paraphernalia - and there will also be a Sale section.
As well as her own gorgeous polish brands Foxy Paws and WellNails she also stock Girly Bits and Literary Lacquer.
Here are a couple of photos of the Foxy Paws polishes that may be up on site:
You really should check her out she is very creative when it comes to nail polish creation. She ships world wide so you can get your holo-jelly-crème-GitD-glitter cravings satisfied here where ever you are: www.foxyfingertips.com
It's quite amazing how weather changes here at the moment, one day it is warm and humid, then it rains like there's no tomorrow and then suddenly the temperature drops with 5 degrees Celsius!!
So Autumn is really like it normally is here, though it does feel strange it hasn't been snowing yet...but come early November that'll probably happen. I somehow feel that these colours here suits the weather quite nicely.
So the challenge this week is Saran Wrap mani and I got inspired by this awesome tutorial that Jacki from Adventures in Acetone did a couple of weeks ago - minus the butterfly wings ;) :
So I painted a base of RBL 360 and then dotted Teal, Purple Haze and Poco á Poco randomly on top of it:
Then I had five small balls of scrunched cling film I dapped on top of the polish blobs - and ended up with this marbled look:
RBL 360
RBL Poco á Poco
RBL Purple Haze
RBL Teal
And here again the finished result, a bit sharper this time. I really like the marbled look the nails get when you use several different colours and this is definitely not my last Saran Wrap mani
Endnu en uge er gået, det er fredag og så er det tid til at være fælles :D - ugens udfordring er Saran Wrap mani, som er en teknik hvor man lægger en basefarve som man lader tørre helt, hvorefter man putter en eller flere farver på og dupper med en sammenkrammet kugle af husholdningsfilm, hvorefter man får denne marmoreffekt som i kan se her.
Jeg har ladet mig inspirere af en tutorial som Jacki fra Adventures in Acetone lavede for et par uger siden. Den er super smuk og jeg elsker den marmoreffekt hun har fået - og jeg er selv udmærket tilfreds med min version af den. Havde også lyst til at få brugt nogle af mine RBL'er som er ret oversete for tiden...
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
Just had to share this quickly with you guys. The last two pics were taken by the kitchen light but
The glitter and holo ho in me just died and went to polish heaven. And I now regret I only recently (like in last week) got my first LilypadLacquer - not to mention I never tried any of these gorgeous Australian brands before and shame on me for that :D!!!
Swatches of these will get online sometime next week - I hope :D
As you may have noticed I skipped last week's Fancy Friday, I was a bit busy with that party I talked about in my previous post.
But today I'm right back in the saddle doing nail art. I'm writing this in our house in Sweden - it is a school holiday this week, so we decided to go up here and spend some time with the family. I joined them a day late, I had some long overdue role playing that needed my attention *nerd alert*.
But on to my choice of sweets for this challenge. One of my favourite kind of chocolate bars is a Danish one called Yankie Bar. It is a very soft kind of french nougat bar with a soft caramel swirl on top and then it is covered with milk chocolate. The producer have recently launched it with a new flavour and in this particular version there is also a swirl of salty licorice inside. I know a lot of you guys will say: Eeeew Yuk, but I tell you it is soooo delicious - though I might be a bit biased since I love salty licorice :D
I know, I know I talk too much - ON TO THE PICTURES:
I know I'm not totally innovative here, I've done tape manis on several occasions but I do like the small amount of work I need to put into this to get a decent piece of nail art going. This one though got a bit difficult.
I did this late last night(or early this morning) so I was somewhat tired and that made me rush things a bit, which can be seen on my middle finger. I was too careless when I removed the two pieces of tape that were overlapping and there fore the wet polish flowed out a bit.
And then there is the placing of the tape on my index finger - oh my is that off!
Besides that I also forgot my clean up tools and acetone so I would
kindly ask your forgiveness for the sloppy - or rather non-existing -
clean up.
But I still kind of like this mani - and I lurve the chocolate bar!!!
Oh and I shouldn't forget...
I used the following colours:
a-england Lancelot
a-england Perceval
nails inc. baker street
Så er der Fælles Fredag på bloggen. Som du nok lagde mærke til i sidste uge så sprang jeg over - på grund af tvillingernes fødselsdag.
I dag gælder det Søde sager. En af mine favoritter for øjeblikket er Yankie Bar Lakrids, jeg synes den er SÅ fantastisk. Elsker simpelthen salt- og salmiaklakrids og mærkelige smage og så er sådan en fætter her altså lige noget for mig :D
Jeg blev inspireret af farverne på folien og lavede så en tape mani, det er let for mig og jeg er på efterårsferie med familien i Sverige i denne uge, så der er tiden knap - og så bliver det de lette løsninger jeg vælger. Til gengæld sker det jo så af og til at der opstår fejl, hvilket der også gjorde her. Se lige den langefinger!!! Jeg kom i øvrigt hjemmefra uden rengøringsgrej og acetone, så der er ikke "ryddet op" efter lakeringen af de her negle. Håber i kan leve med det ;)
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
A little personal post today and it will be short as well. Today six years ago my world changed up-side down when I gave birth to my lovely twin girls. And our lives have never been the same.
Their youngest cousin is born three days before them so we have made it a tradition to celebrate all three at the same day, it makes birthday celebrations a little less stressful and hectic. We held their party yesterday and today is more relaxed just the four of us. Right now they are watching Disney's Cinderella for the gazillionth time :D
What I wanted to share as well is the mani I made for their brithday celebration.
Since I had so much to do I decided on a fairly simple one and then make it a bit more festive with some glitter on top.
I don't do red often but I do have a couple for situations like this. Perceval from a-england has become my go-to red, it is stunningly beautiful!!! A-england polishes are always a good choice I still have to come across a dud formula on these, and I have quite the collection. They glide on like butter and are opaque in one coat, this one is no exception.
I've had Lynnderella One Nutty Fruitcake for almost two years and only swatched it on a nail wheel so I thought this was a good opportunity to get this out of the Helmer and show it off. This is one coat so there is good pay-off on this. I got this kind of coverage with very little effort, though I had to dabble a little.
I can see how bad my light is at my nail polish area because I TOTALLY missed the middle finger was that unevenly painted - many apologies :D
Autumn has shown its face here in Denmark and to coincide with the rainy weather outside is this week's Fancy Friday theme.
I love all the shades the leaves shift through at this time and that colour change is what inspired me for this challenge. I also realised I had a stamp that looks very much like Boston Ivy which leaves go through the most prominent change in colour:
I put on Zoya Yara as base layer and then I took a make-up sponge and cut out three very small pieces. I then sponged Zoya Dree, Sinful Colors Pandora and Sinful Color Nirvana randomly on each nail. Lastly I stamped with Dashica SdP- with a rusty golden stamping polish also from Dashica. That all turned out like this:
Pardon my rough cuticles, have been less than generous with my hand-and-nail-care-routine.
Zoya Yara
I had an "accident" with my pictures, these and two other sets of pictures that were on my comp got deleted in the latest distro upgrade. I luckily had these laying around on google+ in a very low resolution but in a recent update on google they decided the editing programme was going to be google-only so you need to use chrome to be able to edit and crop pics on the go. Which is why these pics are unedited - but hopefully you'll enjoy watching anyway ;)
Sinful Colors Nirvana
Sinful Colors Pandora
And remember to check out the other Girls' inspirational manis :).
Zoya Dree
Så er der godt gang i efteråret både udenfor og her på bloggen. Ugens udfordring er Efterår og jeg er blevet inspireret af Rådhusvinens efterårskulør. Jeg har sponget tilfældigt og derefter stemplet med et motiv som faktisk minder rigtig meget om bladene på Rådhusvinen. Jeg synes selv resultatet er blevet fint. Husk nu at kigge med hos de andre piger, der er masser af smukke lakker og flotte farvekombinationer.
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
As you all have realised Autumn has arrived and to celebrate that - 'cause let's face it, there are awesome coloured nail polish to match this season and that needs to be celebrated :D - I am throwing a Multi-Blogger giveaway together with some wonderful nail bloggers.
There are five prizes: four gift certificates and a two-polish gift from 6 Harts and Indecisive Nail Lacquers. You can choose your gift certificate to be from one of the following three e-tailers: Ninja Polish, Harlow & Co., and Llarowe.
All you have to do is fill in the Rafflecopter widget and you are one step closer to this amazing prize. If you follow me here, on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram there are already 20 entries for you ;).
The giveaway runs from NOW and until October 31 and is open internationally.