I was made aware that some users get malware warnings when they visit the blog. I ran it through Google Diagnostics and it is not my blog per se. Some blog somewhere in the great hyper space hosts some sort of malware or has a link to an infected page. I don't want to bore you with tech speak, but if you are interested in knowing more about the specifics of this you can read more here:
Argh, I am sooooo behind with my challenges. I have been not-at-all-funny busy for a couple of weeks which now has reached a point where I haven't even had time to do my nails these past seven days - nekkid nails galore, I tell you...
I still haven't done week 25 yet, so I gather I'll do a Rainbow Mani, remove it and then do the Neon Mani and then posting them together later.
But onto the challenge mentioned in the title...
I have become quite a fan of home made decals because I don't seem to suck so much at nail art if I have a bit more work space than my nails can accomodate. And since flags on nails takes quite some time and I really don't have much of it I decided to do decals. And as a Scandinavian I really couldn't deny myself the fun that would be had if I could do the five Scandinavian flags.
From thumb to pinkie: Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland:
I really regret not using a base colour, I think they look slightly unfinished this way. But I really like the way the flags themselves turned out - though they ended up a bit on the thick side due to the number of layers I ended up with.
Colours used for this manicure:
White: nails inc. floral st. (I'm running low!! Maybe the first polish I will end up using all of)
Red: Leighton Denny Indulgence
Blue: Leighton Denny Captivated
Yellow: Maybelline Urban Lemon
I am very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to guest blog on one of my favourite blogs: Ashley is Polish Addicted. She is a total sweet heart and have awesome swatches and a very entertaining blog. If you don't follow her already I can highly recommend you do it.
Run on over and check out my post which features two awesome Lenny Deighton polishes: Guest blog at Ashley's
Shut the Front Door, this is a great!!! I already have a black one coat wonder: Camelot from a-england, but Maria's is really giving it a run for the money:
This is WITHOUT top coat!!!
I can only encourage you to buy it if you don't have any black nail polish, it is quite wonderful! Cult Nails can be purchased here. Do try them, these polishes are so ahmazing.
So once again a combined challenge post, this time week 22 and 23.
First off: The splatter is EPIC FAIL if ever I saw one. Mostly due to the fact that I didn't have any thin straws, so I cut a piece out of a thick straw, rolled it up and taped it together. That is NOT the best way to go if you want actual splatter and not just big globs of polish randomly dripped on your nails. When I finally got some splatter it was not on my nails but on the paper that I used to protect the table with.
Colours used:
Base: Color Club Take Me to Your Chateau
Splatter: Color Club Pure Energy, China Glaze Custom Kicks and Carribean Blue.
As you can see not much splat is going on here...
it's mostly globs.
The 23rd week challenge is once again one I tweaked from the original Challenge list as mentioned here - so this is a specific Danish manicure. In Denmark we don't have a specific national day but June 5th is probably the day that comes closest to one. It is our Constitution Day where we celebrate the transition from Absolutism to Constitutional Monarchy in 1849.
In the 17th century Absolutism was introduced and the early steps to change it were taken during the reign of King Christian 7th(1766-1808). He was possibly schizofrenic and most government issues were handled by a Chancellery since he showed no interest in government issues. During King Christian's travels in 1768 he acquired a new physician, Johann Friedrich Struensee, who was a man truly influenced by the ideas of the Age of Reason. He became a close friend of the King and eventually rose to Government where he as de facto regent reformed the laws that kept peasants in tight serf, as well as many other laws that kept the people in check.
But it was not to last and he eventually was couped and executed. And it took nearly 80 years before his work finally bore fruit. On june 5th 1849 King Frederik 7th finally signed our first democratic Constitution. And in order to celebrate this I made this my Challenge Week 23 mani, a sponge gradient using the colours of the Danish flag - red and white:
We've had some crappy weather the past week but luckily the sun chose to shine when I took these pics, hooray for that :D
Colours used:
nails inc. Floral St.
Leighton Denny Indulgence
Cult Nails Iconic (old version) on the tips
So today is a little special here since I am going to try a new thing: Doing a shared subject post.
Some of the bloggers I know did something similar a couple of weeks ago with 26 share-the-holo-love postings. I was too busy to join them and I was so bummed afterwards 'cause they all had a blast doing it. So when the talk of a new post sharing event started I jumped in immediately.
The subject is as the title suggests a Jubilee post to commemorate Queen Elizabeth's 60 years on the throne aka her Diamond Jubilee, and we are all sharing British polishes we own and love. Some use their favourite brand, others do a combination of brands.
I have quite a lot of British brands and I have chosen to use 3 of them: nails inc., Leighton Denny and a-england. And as you can see, my theme is definitely British :D
The colours I used were:
nails inc. floral st. (white)
Leighton Denny Captivated (blue)
Leighton Denny Indulgence (red)
a-england Excalibur and Merlin for the stripes
Check out what brands and colours the rest of my wonderful blogger friends are using for their Jubilee nails.
Check out what other awesome British polishes my friends used!