fredag den 28. november 2014

Fancy Friday #81: Lead Light Nails

I have been looking forward to this technique because it means that I get to use my awesome Rica Squish polishes again. Back when we did reverse stamping I used them for that and thought they would be excellent for lead lighting. Which they are :D

Rica Polish Lemon Squish

I followed Julia from Messy Mension's tutorial on Youtube which made this awfully simple.

Rica Polish Strawberry Squish

Basically you are colouring in your stamp with a dotting tool or a small nail art brush, using jelly or tint polishes like OPI Sheer Tints or the Squish polishes from Rica.

Rica Polish Tangerine Squish

My stamping wasn't really good so I made good with what I had ;)

Here is Julia's guide which will give you an excellent run-through of the technique:

I sure will be doing this again, got a whole lot of comments on my nails.

Remember to drop by the other girls, they have some wonderful leadlight nails to share with you.

Så blev det tid til at afprøve en teknik som bliver kaldt Leadlighting, en indfarvningsteknik man typisk bruger til stamping og som skal forestille samme type glasmaling som man bruger til blyindfattede ruder. Det er en nem måde at få neglene til at se avancerede ud - hvilket jeg elsker ;). Check Julia fra MessyMansion's video, find nogle tintlakker eller lav en lille portion selv ved at fortynde en kraftigt pigmenteret lak med en klar lak, indtil farven er gennemsigtig, og prøv selv Leadlighting.

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mandag den 24. november 2014

The Giving Thanks Multi-Blogger Giveaway

Here's another Monday and the beginning of another week. And in order to make your week start off on a blast, I welcome you to the Giving Thanks Multi-Blogger Giveaway.

Some of the wonderful friends I've met through nail polish are both bloggers and makers - and we have decided to celebrate the most important people in our endeavours: You, our readers and customers!!! If it weren't for you we wouldn't be doing this. We love to share our thoughts and polishes with you and we are really lucky to have  such a wide range of wonderful people supporting us.

So without further ado, here is all you want to know about the prizes:

The giveaway closes on Sunday November 30th at midnight(EST)
There will be NINE winners:

Two polishes (winner's choice) from The Nail Junkie!

One product (winner's choice) from Wishful Bath & Beauty/Fever Lacquer!

One polish (winner's choice) from Superficially Colorful Lacquer!

Four polishes (winner's choice) from Alter Ego Nail Enamel!

One item (winner's choice) and a not-yet-released bath & beauty product from Paint Box Polish!

One heart necklace from the new thermal polish collection from BKD Signature!

Two polishes (winner's choice) from 6 Harts Polish!

Mystery Prize from Darling Diva Polish!

Now is that one awesome giveaway or what? Hurry up and fill in the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win!!

Giveaway is open internationally.

If fees are incurred for the PayPal prize, which is usually the case with international winners, the fees will be deducted from the prize amount.

lørdag den 22. november 2014

Fancy Friday #80: Water Colour Nails

Fabulous challenge this week, another technique I haven't had time to explore yet, so it was nice finally to get on the band wagon :D.

It is really easy nail art, since it only requires some nail polish, a nail art brush and some acetone.

I used Rica Wipe Out as base colour and the following polishes for the watercolour spludges: Cult Nails Devious Nature, Tied Up, Feel Me Up and Vicious. And Essie Mojito Madness for the green touches.

I dotted some polish - one colour at a time - on the nail and the SOAKED the brush in acetone and just placed the brush in the middle of the dots and drew a little with it, continued to the next nail and repeated the process. When I'd finished the last nail, the first was dry enough to get to work with the next colour.

As you can see this mani is REALLY busy, but somehow I really like it!!

Remember to check out the other water colour manis from the rest of the Fancy Friday girls.

Water Colour negle er nok en teknik jeg endnu ikke har kastet mig ud i, men det var super sjovt og relativt nemt. Det ser en smule rodet ud, men jeg kan faktisk godt lide det her look.

Husk også at checke de andre Fælles Fredag piger og deres Water Colour negle.

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søndag den 16. november 2014

52 Week Pick 'n' Mix Week #7: Yellow

This was going to be this huge yellow post, and then it turned out I accidentally deleted pictures that hadn't been saved :(.

So for this post it is going to be short and to the point.

Yellow prompt with a Golden Oldie: Girly Bits Banana Hammock.

Short right?

See you next week ;)

Take a look at the wild animals and yellow manis the Nail Tarts have come up with this week.

52 Week Challenge - Wild Animals/Yellow

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52 Week Pick 'n' Mix Week #7: Wild Animals

I've been slacking on my 52 week challenge, but this week I have actually done both prompt in two different manis. Prompt one is Wild Animals and the Golden Oldie prompt is Yellow.

So first up is Wild Animals.

I instantly knew I was going to try out the cute animals tutorial that Jacki from Adventures in Acetone did a long time ago, they are so darn cute. In particular the monkey. What I didn't do was follow it :D - I was watching The Flash together with hubby while trying to do the monkey design - and we watched it on the computer and my phone was down so I did them from memory.

As you can see I got the proportions warped a bit, the upper face is a little too wide so the lower face is almost the same width. Not that it isn't cute to look at, but it looks more like a teddy bear than a monkey :D

I used Illamasqua Nurture as base, YSL La Laque no 36 Rich Coffee and Zoya Pasha for the monkey.

I loved doing these even though they weren't quite successful - and I will definitely follow Jacki's animal tutorials again :).

Take a look at the wild animals and yellow manis the Nail Tarts have come up with this week.
52 Week Challenge - Wild Animals/Yellow

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lørdag den 15. november 2014

Fancy Friday #79 : Favourite Nail Polish or Design

This week's challenge is a bit of both. As you well know I am a devout Elevation Polish believer. And though Lulu creates oodles of gorgeous polishes there is one that has always been my favourite. It is the one I choose when I need a pick-me-up or feel all my lovely pastels are a bit boring. Not so with this beauty.

I give you: Elevation Polish Toubkal, my all-time favourite nail polish!

It hits all the right buttons with me. It is a totally vampy colour (my first nail polish colour crush was on all things vampy) and it has glass flecks in abundance - a finish I've been crazy about since back when I bought Illamasqua Raindrops at it's initial release.

For good measure I've thrown in a favourite design and a go-to mani:

Stamping and Skittlette.

Usually I use as many different polishes for the skittlette as possible but with this one I really just wanted to show you that one. So in order to make it a skittlette I found some rhinestones in my  nail art travel case and put them on my thumb and ring finger. They only sat for a couple of hours since I only attached them with top coat :D

I love stamping and try to incorporate it in as many designs as possible. For this challenge I chose my Messy Mansion plate MM44 - with an absolutely gorgeous lace design. I received my new stamper heads from Messy Mansion - I finally got hold of the soft ones, and let me tell you, they stamp marvellously!!! I don't think I've ever had a this clean and crisp design!

I think it is gorgeous!!

Don't forget to take a look at the other favourite designs og nail polishes from my fellow Fancy Friday challengers.

Så er der dømt yndlingslak. Jeg er jo helt vild med Elevation lakker og elsker det meste af det Lulu laver. Især denne skønhed, Toubkal,  får mig til at tabe vejret når solen lyser over den. :D Jeg har så lige stemplet lidt henover den og pimpet den med et par rhinsten ;)

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lørdag den 8. november 2014

Fancy Friday: Fan Brush/Sugar Spun

This challenge had me in frustrated ramblings within five minutes, haha. See I have done a fair amount of fan brush nail art so naturally I decided on sugar spun as my challenge. And boy did I regret that several times while I made these.

So welcome to nail fail city.

I used Elevation Polish Atop the Ferris Wheel as base colour and thought that since this was inspired by the fairground I'd choose colours that would fit as cotton candy, which really is spun sugar. So I decided to use Dior Porcelaine, Elevation Polish Mount Ventoux, Illamasqua Nomad and nails inc. oxford circus.

And colour wise I think this works great but Damn this was a hot mess. I definitely didn't have patience enough when I did it because I couldn't wait until the polish was dry enough.

Which resulted in all those huge ugly blobs you can see.

And the fact that I chose to do my very first sugar spun with four colours probably didn't help me much either.

I was at my wits end and decided never to do this again. BUT I have come to the conclusion that I need to try this at least one more time to see if I can't get it to work for me. Mostly because I've seen them done looking totally awesome.

Remember to check out what the rest of the wonderful Fancy Friday girls have come up with.

Nå, velkommen til denne uges nail fail. Jeg har valgt sugar spun som min udfordring for det har jeg aldrig prøvet før, mens jeg har lavet rigtig mange fan brush manier. Det var så ikke det bedste valg for mig, er du gal hvor jeg bandede hele vejen igennem. Det har jeg godt nok ikke tålmodighed til - og så gjorde det ikke sagen lettere at jeg havde valgt fire forskellige farver. :D

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søndag den 2. november 2014

52 Week Pick 'n' Mix Challenge Week 5: Three Dark Colours

My time these days is quite limited which is why I at the moment only choose the colour prompt for the Nail Tart Challenge.

Again I have found some gorgeous golden oldies: Three Girly Bits Halloween polishes from 2012. Jelly base in all of these so they needed four layers each for this opacity.

Gorgeous, I think. And here are some bottle shots and general pic spam :D:

I really think all three are cool and wonderful, but I am in particular fascinated with Fathomless - totally beautiful!!!!

lørdag den 1. november 2014

Fancy Friday #77: Halloween

All Hallow's Eve has come and gone - at least here in Denmark. A little bit late but I still want to share some of my Halloween nail art with you guys so a couple of posts will be Halloween related.

I got my Halloween themed What's in-die Box earlier this month and I decided to include some of them in this mani.

Here is the entire collection - from left to right:
Lilypad Lacquer Skulloween, Peita's Polish Ghost Gutz, Glam Polish Paranormal, PrettyPots Bewitchery, Emily de Molly Night Terrors.

 I actually only used three of the polishes for this design which is Ghost Gutz, Night Terrors and Skulloween. The base colours for this mani is Dior Lime, Dior Electric Violet, Rica Whiteout, Sinful Colors Purple Gleam, Orange Crush and Emerald Envy.

I used my Messy Mansion MM22 for all the stamping and I actually had to shrink one of the images to get room for the Trick or Treat stamp. Unfortunately the textured surface seemed to eat the text so all you see is that sunny kind of stamp

 The cat is a NailVinyl that I bought three weeks or so ago...

 And a close-up of the Jack-o-Lanterns...

Remember to check out the spooky and Halloweeny nails the other girls have come up with.

Denne uges tema er Halloween - og da jeg næsten lige har fået min Halloween What's in-die Box ind ad døren blev jeg enig med mig selv om at bruge dem til lidt nail art.

Og check lige de andres fede designs!!

An InLinkz Link-up