torsdag den 25. september 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #38: Brown

Today marks the last week of the GOT polish challenge among us Nail Tarts. 38 weeks of going through my old polishes - which has been wonderful.

Miss Crumpet has devised a new challenge that will incorporate prompts for old polishes and she is fine tuning everything at this point - but very soon I will be able to reveal all about it.

In the mean time you can all look at this here, my brown mani for GOT: SeaLore Polish Arctic Otter. Gorgeousness in a bottle is all.

Make sure you check out the rest of Crumpet's Nail Tarts and what they have come up with for the last of the GOT Polish Challenge:

fredag den 19. september 2014

Are you ready for a Giveaway?

I am pleased to announce another The Nail Polish Blogger Connection Giveaway - this time it is all about Facebook :).

Some awesome bloggers and I are hosting a giveaway where 3 lucky girls can win a 40$ gift card each to either Llarowe, Harley & Co. or Sally Magpies.

Fill in the Rafflecopter form below to enter the giveaway - and good luck, everyone!!!

- Open Internationally
- Must be 18 or more
- Ends 30th September
- Prize will be distributed by Lacquer or Leave Her
- Winners must claim their prize within 48 hours of announcement

Must be 18 or older -Prizes will be distributed by Lacquer Or Leave Her -Ends September 30th -Winner must respond claiming prize within 48 hours - See more at:
Must be 18 or older -Prizes will be distributed by Lacquer Or Leave Her -Ends September 30th -Winner must respond claiming prize within 48 hours - See more at:
Must be 18 or older -Prizes will be distributed by Lacquer Or Leave Her -Ends September 30th -Winner must respond claiming prize within 48 hours - See more at:


Fancy Friday #71: Inspired by Autumn

Here we are more than halfway through September and we are almost having an indian summer here in Denmark. Warm, sunny days where wearing more than a t-shirt and shorts will have you brake out in sweat :D.

Which makes this week's Fancy Friday challenge quite funny as it really is nothing like Autumn yet ;). Except from the leaves. Everywhere they have started to curl and change colour so I took my inspiration from that mix of orange, brown and green in varying stages.

The green base colour is Essie Sew Psyched, I love the colour and the formula is great with this one - it's almost a one coater.

This is Halloween, an awesome glitter topper from Dollish Polish

And the ever lovely Crunchy Leaves from Girly Bits. It is exquisite and I love that orangey-dark brown-copperish colour I get with it when I use it without undies. I must say I rarely use polishes if I have to use 3+ layers to get it opaque - but for this (and a couple of others in my collection) I am willing to do almost anything, that's how gorgeous I think it is!!!!

A little stamping on the thumb to give the mani that extra autumnal feel. I used Messy Mansion plate no. 16 and a copper shimmer stamping polish from Dashica.

Oh, and a macro shot of the stamping pattern.

And remember to check out the rest of the Fancy Friday bloggers to see their Autumn inspiration :).

Ugens Fælles Fredag udfordring er inspireret af efterår, hvilket jo godt kan være lidt svært at få inspiration til, når vejret er opfører sig som om det stadig er sommer :D. Jeg ser dog bladene på træer og buske skifte farve i disse dage, så de farver har jeg taget udgangspunkt i denne gang.

Og husk så lige at få kigget på de øvrige efterårsmanier ;)

torsdag den 18. september 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #37: Burnt Orange/Copper

I have a polish the same colour as copper pennies that hasn't seen light of day since the week it was bought - and the sad little bugger only got a one finger swatch back then!!

GOT to the rescue!!

Illamasqua Shrapnel was one of three polishes created by fans of Illamasqua and I bought it in my very first order together with the other two fan collaboration shades: Raindrops and Eclipse - incidentally polishes that has suffered almost the same sad fate as Shrapnel.

I usually don't like that colour on me but I am not hating this either, which is good :D.

I had some bubble issues which I can only connect to my base coat so I won't use Sally Hansen's Nail Quencher together with Shrapnel ;). Top coating it didn't help the bubbling so I decided to stamp it - my go-to rescue.

I used Messy Mansion plate no. 20 for this image...

...and stamped with BarryM Gold Foil:

As you can see my rescue attempt didn't help much  - bubbles are totally visible :D

I really like this even though I shy away from colours like this - maybe I should try some more.

Remember to check in with the rest of the GOT polish girls and see which polish they have chosen for this week's challenge.

fredag den 12. september 2014

Fancy Friday #70: Frilly Edges

For this week's Fancy Friday I chose Elevation SBP La Harpe - a polish that some wonderful nail polish fairies gifted to me. It is gorgeous and I don't want to remove it!!!

Then I stamped some french lace edges on them - which was pretty difficult - I dare say this is a fail. But you know me I'm not shy with my failures, you get the whole package with me :D.

I really love my new MessyMansion plates - and I am really a huge fan of plate 44. Those lace patterns are so beautiful and extremely versatile!!


 Denne uges Fælles Fredag er pyntede kanter - og jeg har så stemplet med min MessyMansion plade med blonder på. Det er godt nok ikke nemt!!! Hold op hvor blev det skævt. Nå, men jeg er da ikke bleg for at dele mine fejl med jer :D. 

Husk at checke de andre Fælles Fredag piger og deres pyntede kanter.

torsdag den 11. september 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #36: Ignored for too long

Ignored for too long? Most of my polish get to be ignored for too long :D. So I just opened the top drawer in Helmer 1 and found two gorgeous YSL polishes: Wintergreen and Moonlight Blue.

In the bottle they look extremely promising, on the nails it is a totally different story. That shimmer is almost gone :O.

They are a dream to work with!! High pigmentation means they are both one coaters though I used two layers as usual.

I decided to give them a good stamp!! With MessyMansion plate 16 and BarryM Silver Foil.

Look at that bottle shimmer!!! Wah for it not translating to the nails!!!

Do you have any ignored polishes? If you do, which?

Have a look at what the other girls have ignored for too long:

fredag den 5. september 2014

Fancy Friday #69: Dry Brush

Dry Brush Nail Art is a first for me but definitely not the last. It was really fun to do and took less time than most of what I usually do for the challenges. Totally easy nail art if you are just starting out! Basically you dry polish off the brush until almost nothing is left. Then you randomly draw with the brush on the nail until you are satisfied!! Fantastic!!!

I had some untried Elevation polishes that I thought looked great next to one another so they had to go on my nails :D

I love the plaid look I got out of it - really pretty I think.

I used Weddell Sea, Mount Ventoux, El Cap 2, Pic du Gar, and Carlit.

Jeg har ikke prøvet Dry Brush Nail Art før, men det er ret nemt. Man tørrer penslen næsten helt tør for lak og så påfører man ellers bare i et tilfældigt mønster. Fantastisk nybegynder nail art, så er du lige startet, er det her en rigtig god teknik at prøve. Man får et fedt resultat med relativt lille indsats. Det kan jeg lide :D

Fancy Friday #68: Around the World

This prompt was so inspiring to me - I knew immediately what kind of nail art I'd do with this.

I am a huge Prince fan - have been for the better part of 25 years now - and I have a lot of his earlier albums.

I have always loved the album art for Around the World in a Day, not to mention the music, so naturally I chose to take my inspiration from it.

I decided not to do an exact copy - just using it as an inspiration. Here is what I came up with:

I am really proud of these though they are not particularly advanced. I spent an hour or more and had a blast doing them.

I am enjoying working with my new nail art brushes which seem to have improved my detail work.

Inspirationen til Verden Rundt er kommet fra et Prince album som jeg er vild med: Around the World in a Day - både musikken men også cover kunsten. Det er dog ikke en nøjagtig kopi, mere jeg har brugt det som inspirationskilde ;)

torsdag den 4. september 2014

Golden Oldie Thursday #35: Indie

Boy was this one tough...I could hardly decide which brand to choose.

But I've wanted to wear my Dandy Nails polishes the past couple weeks - and that is where I went again.

So I looked them over and matched these two beauties up with each other:


My C-curve is way too deep for the star shaped Nail Vinyls to work decently which made me curse A LOT when I used them. I might as well free hand the stars next time :D.

Make sure to check out which indie brands the other girls are showing off today ;)

Golden Oldie Thursday #34: Purple

...And another week went by :D and here is last week's GOT challenge mani - the prompt was purple.

I wanted to do a bubble mani - or whatever they are called, but I failed miserably so I just took the easy way out and stamped on top of it :D.

I ordered some Messy Mansion plates this summer and one was a lace plate - absolutely gorgeous and I decided it would save my failed mani. And it did ;)

I used China Glaze Spontaneous, China Glaze Grape Juice, Zoya Danii and Zoya Hope. And I stamped with Kiko 621.

I absolutely adore this mani - you can see the bubbles peeping out from the lace pattern and it works!!