So as promised - my 2 year blogiversary Give Away Galore commences. For the next month and a half I will be celebrating my journey with nail polish so please join me here :)
There will be four prizes in all, each having it's own give away lasting 14 days.
First up is this lovely set of texture polishes from the german drug store brand P2 called Sandstyle. These five gorgeous bottles can be yours if you fill out the Rafflecopter form at the end.
The colours are: 020 Lovesome, 040 Illegal, 030 Seductive, 060 Strict, 050 Confidential. The formula on these are excellent - and as you may remember I personally have Confidential and I totally love it!!! I blogged about it as part of the Fancy Friday Challenge. Nailant has a skittle mani on her blog so please go HERE if you want to get a better look on the rest of these beauties!!
So fill in the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win.
Giveaway is open internationally and will last two weeks. You have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be picked. Make sure you read the terms and conditions in the form.
And remember: to cheat is to get yourself disqualified ;)
Fancy Friday time here on the blog with two challenges since I had done the Chevron mani - but since the twins started school last week I didn't find the time to write up the post.
So first up is this week's manicure which is a Sideways one. Basically it is doing a french tip on the side of your this:
I've never been good at french tips freehand but these turned out okay I think.
I've used my absolute favourite indie brand right now for this mani, Elevation Polish. Lulu did a collaboration duo with Crows Toes in June called Too F#%*ing Hot/Too F#%*ing Cold and this is the gorgeousness that came out of that.
I think the thumb turned out the best:
Too F#%*ing Cold bottle shot - and for some reason I totally forgot to take a pic of the Too F#%*ing Hot bottle...
And now for last week's challenge: Chevron. I had this in my head the first time I suggested this in our group,
but then when I got to the time where I was going to do it I got sidetracked and made this instead:
And when I realised my mistake I removed it but instead of following Sarah's great tutorial I decided to do it with tape. BIG MISTAKE!!!!! I know that my skills are better today and that I can freehand a lot better now so I do believe I could have done a better job of it than what it ended up with:
These are so unaligned it is almost too funny :D
Elevation Polish Owen, Elevation Polish Higravstinden, Elevation Polish I Got the Axe:
Oh just realised both manis were made with Elevations...
Fælles Fredag er tilbage her på bloggen med den 17. af slagsen. I denne uge er det Sideways Manicure, hvilket altså bare er en French tip på siden af neglen. Sidste uge fik jeg ikke lagt min mani op selv om den var lavet - jeg havde virkelig travlt med pigernes føste skoledag, så der var bare ikke tid til at skrive et indlæg, så billederne er inkluderet her...og altså det gik først op for mig til aller sidst at jeg havde brugt Elevation Polish til begge manier :D
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til hvis du vil være med.
On August 20th two years ago I wrote the first blog post - not much but it was the very first baby steps. I didn't post a real nail picture until September 8th 2011, but nevermind that ;)
So tomorrow my Second Blogiversary Galore will begin. Stay tuned 'cause it's gonna be AWESOME!!!
So I am back again after a much needed vacation. I was actually intending to blog a little bit during but I was at places where there was either wobbly internet connectivity or not much internet at all. Besides that I had Nekkid Nails almost the entire time!!! On top of it all I've hardly moisturised which shows - pardon my very rough cuticles in this post ;)
And my first August post is a Fancy Friday one. This week's challenge is Two Colours which leaves an abundance of interpretations open. I went into my YSL stash and chose two La Lacque colours: Utopian Turquoise and Ultra Orange.
I was spending the best part of an hour considering what to do and in the end I made something very simple:
My camera freaked out when I took the pictures, look at how plasticine my nails look :O
As you can see I still have some problems with straight lines, all these dotted lines are definitely not aligned :D
Ooops, looks like I forgot to apply two layers of orange on my thumb :D
Oh and some bonus pics: I missed out on the 3D Jelly Sandwich, inspired by this manicure where the goal is to make it look like flowers laying in layers under water, and since I was the one that suggested this challenge I didn't wanna miss out on it so here is my contribution.
Using RBL Bikini Bottom, Starfish Patrick and Squarepants I decided to stamp instead of dotting.
I'm not quite satisfied with it but that is more because of my sucky jelly polish application skills than anything else.
I have purchased a white stamping polish but I sure need to get acquainted with it before it will look really good.
I think the T-Rex is awesome!! Of course from a VividLacquer plate!
So there you go, hope you enjoyed these manis. And be sure to check the other girls out, they've got some great Two-Colour-Manis!!
Endnu en Fælles Fredag manicure. Som nogle af jer måske har bemærket, nåede jeg ikke sidste uges udfordring - hvilket skyldes ferien og nogle ret sløve og næsten ikke-eksisterende internetforbindelser. Ugens udfordring er to farver og jeg er gået på hugst i mine Yves Saint Laurent lakker og har fundet Ultra Orange og Utopian Turquoise frem. Der er jo mulighed for at fortolke emnet på uendeligt mange måder, men jeg valgte altså noget helt enkelt. Og som bonus er der også billeder af min 3D Jelly Sandwich, jeg tænkte at eftersom det var mit forslag til en udfordring blev jeg da også nødt til at lave den, selvom jeg ikke kunne nå det til tiden :)
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til hvis du vil være med.