Well as it says Glitterbomb it is - and I sure do celebrate :D
I did a combo of two different indie polish glitter toppers and two KIKO polishes.
Meet KIKO 330 Lilac and Red Dog Designs Here Comes the Parade and Candy Lacquer Garden of Love and KIKO 390 Light Green :
In order to get this result I did THREE layers of the
glitters - I guess you could limit yourself to two layers, but after all
this is supposed to be a Glitter Celebration :D
I am a total glitter ho and manicures like this makes me happy - I know, I'm definitely not quite sane when it comes to nail polish...
I made a macro of my thumb so you can get an idea of how awesome this polish is - so many things going on. You can see the flower but what you don't see is the butterfly just underneath it :)
I love circle glitter so when I realised Here Comes the Parade was filled with them I almost squeed ;)
Fælles Fredag er i dag Glitterbombefest og jeg har hevet et par vidunderlige lakker frem af Helmerne. Jeg er helt skør med den her fra Candy Lacquer og har allerede haft den på en gang før, hvilket ikke sker særlig ofte for mig. Og så er jeg helt pjattet med runde glitter, så Here Comes the Parade fik mig til at hvine som en Belieber da jeg så det, haha.
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
As you already know I love Elevation Polish, everything with this indie brand is just perfection. For today's Untried Sunday I want to share a gorgeous duochrome called The Arches at Sunset.
The formula was terrific, it was so easy to applicate and dry time was fast. And I really don't think I have EVER seen this colour combination:
How do I even start to describe this colour? Light caramel brown with green-gold colour shift?
Sadly this colour has been discontinued but you can still grab other marvellous polishes from Lauren's Elevation Polish Shop, they retail between 6.50 and 10.50 $ - and she ships internationally. If you'd rather use a retailer, Llarowe will soon be stocking Elevation Polish, ETA is June 1st. So be sure to sign up for Llarowe's newsletter to get in on the frenzy ;)
Welcome to Fancy Friday, the collaboration challenge between a bunch of Danish bloggers. This week's challenge got me very excited, have had a sponge gradient idea that I thought I would try out - and as it turned out it went extremely well with some leopard spots :D
Since sun has finally decided to visit more than just some minutes a day, I went in total summer mode and grabbed two neon colours and a lovely yellow from Cult Nails called Feel Me Up. The neons are Sinful Colors Dream On, a very pink neon that shows up purple characteristics as soon as a camera comes near it, and nails inc. portobello that is coral-orangey, depending on light. Both neons dry matte as most neons do.
I made the spots with China Glaze Purr-fectly Plum and a-england Camelot.
I started out with oiling up the area around my nails, being careful not to hit the nails themselves. Then I cut a triangular make-up sponge to match the width of my broadest nail and painted diagonal stripes on it. Then I lined up the sponge to match my nails and sponged away. Then I randomly dotted with China Glaze and took a fine nail art brush and painted c's around the dots with the a-england colo. Lastly I filled in with random black spots.
It was a real mess but removing the polish on my fingers was easier than usual because of the cuticle oil. But as you can see Dream On is VERY pigmented and I had to accept defeit after trying my damnedest to remove it all. Especially my cuties looks a right mess :D. The pigmentation on my fingers was still visible after a day...
These are crazy gorgeous summer nails!!! And incidentally it's only the second nail art mani that I am completely satisfied with, EVER.
En svampet neon gradient med leopardpletter er mit indlæg i denne uges Fælles Fredag. Det er ikke særlig tit jeg er tilfreds med mine nail art forsøg, men denne gang har jeg været helt ekstatisk over hvor vellykket den her mani er. Faktisk var der nogen som troede det var negle stickers og det er vel egentlig den største kompliment man kan få ;)
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
I have one of the coolest nail polish friends. Her name is Gosia and she climbs mountains. Right now she is trying to conquer Mount Everest and I think that is amazing. She has had some problems readjusting but last I heard from her camp she was going to try and reach summit TODAY!!! And today I am proud to announce that I am guest blogging for her at Life in Color.
I have done a mani that reflects her amazing conquest and the love we both share for Elevation Polish.
To read more about the mani and which Elevation Polish colours I chose for it,
you will have to visit Gosia's blog here.
Things have been hectic here, so this week's FF mani is being posted a day late. The challenge is Water Marble, and I am really no good at it, haha.
I used Milani Orchidia as base and three Revlons: Ecclectic, Dreamer and Trendy.
Hope you enjoy it anyway, here it is for your entertainment and viewing pleasure :D
I had HUGE bubble issues, just look at the ring, middle, and index finger:
Apologies for the state of my cuticles they don't take well to the acetone these days, not even when I slather them with Cutie Balm before clean up or removal.
And bubbles galore on my thumb as well:
So this was my sad attempt, you would do yourself a favour if you also check the rest of the manis from my fellow Fancy Friday Bloggers.
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.
You know how it is when you see all these awareness posts filling your feeds on different social networks - how annoying you sometimes feel it is and how could this really make a difference? And then something happens that makes you think that whatever little thing you do to raise awareness will make a world of difference?
That is why I continue to do awareness posts and this particular one has hit home with me.
Last month one of my Lacquerhead friends almost died from seizures related to her Lupus diagnosis. What is the most amazing thing is that between her 28 seizures in the hospital, 3 in the car ride home and 2 minor
ones last week she has survived 31 seizures in 2 weeks. I am stillin awe of the almost-miracle thing going on here. So in honour ofher battle and her constant positive outlook on life and the grim future prospect in particular,I am wearing this purple mani:
The Lupus Awereness colour is purple. I've just bought Girly Bits Twitterpated and it was an obvious choice when I saw the sunny weather. Holo Polish FTW!!!
The dots are Hits Specialita No Olimpo Dionisio.
And the symbol for Lupus Awareness is the butterfly, due to one of the symptomatic rashes which has a butterfly shape. My butterfly was created with Vivid Lacquer Plate 004.
This picture was taken in shade - I love the colour on Twitterpated here.
Some Lupus facts:
Lupus is an incurable Auto Immune disease that affects 1.5 million Americans and 5 million world wide, 9 out of 10 sufferers are female and you are more likely to get it if you are Black, Asian or Hispanic than if you are Caucasian - which is probably why we know so little about it in Europe.
are 3 different types:
Discoid Lupus affecting the
Systemic Lupus that can attack
any organ/organ system at any time.
Drug induced Lupususually attributed to extreme chemo/rx drugs or hardcore street drug
These are the 11 symptoms to look for, you need to show four to get diagnosed:
Malar rash – a rash over the cheeks and nose, often in the shape of a butterfly
Discoid rash – a rash that appears as red, raised, disk-shaped patches
Photosensitivity – a reaction to sun or light that causes a skin rash to appear or get worse
Oral ulcers – sores appearing in the mouth
Arthritis – joint pain and swelling of two or more joints in which the bones around the joints do not become destroyed
Serositis – inflammation of the lining
around the lungs (pleuritis) or inflammation of the lining around the
heart that causes chest pain which is worse with deep breathing
Kidney disorder – persistent protein or cellular casts in the urine
Neurological disorder – seizures or psychosis
Blood disorder – anemia (low red blood
cell count), leukopenia (low white blood cell count), lymphopenia (low
level of specific white blood cells), or thrombocytopenia (low platelet
Immunologic disorder – abnormal anti-double-stranded DNA or anti-Sm, positive antiphospholipid antibodies
Abnormal antinuclear antibody (ANA)
Besides these symptoms you could also have:
Fever (over 100° F) Extreme fatigue Hair loss Fingers turning white and/or blue when cold (Raynaud’s phenomenon)
Make sure you educate yourself, as this is an invisible disease: You or someone you care for will not seem ill even though you are near death.
Welcome to the second week of our collaboration blog challenge, Fancy Friday. This one I made pretty simple. I played around with a short, slim brush and a dotting tool and then I just went with it.
Base colour is Sinful Colors Winterberry, a gorgeous dark grayed purple with a pearlised shimmer that give it that extra something.
The green and lilac are Konad stamping polishes and the pinks and the gold are different striper colours that I found looked good together with the rest of the design.
I did my thumb as the last and got more adventurous :D - so a small garden sort of appeared out of nowhere - there seem to be hope for me in the nail art department. I got a bit frustrated at the end when I realised I had bubbles all over my thumb but decided against removing it all, I am quite pleased with it.
And do check the rest of the participants nail art.
Velkommen til endnu en gang Fælles Fredag, denne gang med blomstertema. Jeg er ikke den store nail art haj, men jeg sad og rodede lidt med en kort, tynd pensel og et dotting redskab - og så kom det her design lidt af sig selv. Da jeg nåede tommelfingeren var jeg blevet rigtig entusiastisk og vupti, dukkede der en lille have op. Jeg er ret tilfreds med det og er lidt ærgerlig over alle boblerne fra toplakken.
Deltagere i Fælles Fredag. En gruppe af neglelak passionerede, som hver fredag følger en fælles udfordring inden for neglelak og negle art'ens verden.
Vi søger nye medlemmer i øjeblikket, så skriv en mail til fredag@neglenymfer.dk hvis du vil være med.