onsdag den 5. februar 2014

Fancy Friday #40: Something About Me

When I first saw this challenge way back when I really had no idea what I would do, mostly I was thinking about something Firefly, Sherlock or Doctor Who inspired since those TV-series means a lot to me.

But then my birthday came along and it turned out the wonderful Nailant had actually made three polishes for me, that I knew nothing about - and then it all became so much more easy ;)

So please say hello to Mad Man with a Box, a wonderful bright blue holo polish that caters to my Doctor Who obsession and naturally in one of my favourite colours.

Ooooohhh is that holo I see?

Next up is 42. The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything - and incidentally it is also my current age...and whatever you do, Don't Panic!!! Once more the geeky Marilu dances around excitedly :D

I love, love, love this lilac polish accentuated with two shades of matte pink circle glitter.

And last but not least: Marie-Luise - and with the words Fun, Bright and Full of Life in mind (yes, I am that kind of person ;) ) Stinna created this beautiful glitter polish.

I had such a hard time capturing the holo in that amazing blue polish, no matter what I did I couldn't get it to show off properly...but I digress.

I was moved to tears when I received the polishes and so happy with them I didn't want to take them off, they are all so me - they cater to my geeky side and still have room for that bubbly part that always ends up in fits of giggles when someone makes a fart joke.

Though it is way overdue, I think you should head over to the other girls to get to know them a little bit better :)

Jeg er meget forsinket denne gang, men den ene af tvillingerne lå med mellemørebetændelse i sidste uge, så det var ikke lige bloggen jeg havde fokus på. Men eftersom jeg har haft den her i støbeskeen i lang tid ville jeg SÅ gerne dele det her indlæg med jer. Det er nemlig alt om mig :D. 

I december blev jeg 42 år gammel og i den anledning havde Stinna fra nailant kreeret tre lakker til mig - jeg blev så rørt og glad og flæbede næsten :D. De to af dem er hyldestlakker til den nørdede Marie-Luise som er vild med Doctor Who og Science Fiction og som synes at 42 er svaret på Livet, Universet og Alt det dér. Den sidste - den med mit navn -  er en fejring af min personlighed, som med Stinnas egne ord er sjov, lys og fuld af liv...

Jeg regner med de fleste som følger fast med har været forbi de andre piger, hvis ikke, så smut lige forbi og lær dem lidt bedre at kende ;)